
Thursday, August 10, 2017

I am a Unicorn

Original Broadcast Date: I am a Unicorn 6-22-16 6:41

Video Transcription:

so I got a couple interesting replies to some of my videos last night and thank you guys really thank you for sharing and thank you for helping me get through this I got weird things to do with life it's not the typical you know we lost the keys so the car honey doesn't matter and you know its always extreme and I don't like that I really like the even keel low key no drama I really I don't know I don't know why it's here I don't do anything to anybody it's just that I have to deal with people and for some reason i think to attract everybody know good people good hearted people people who are helpful to get some of the crazies too what's going to happen as my notoriety rises this is why this is why exactly why I didn't want to do those but you know at this point I don't have a choice i have to it's a means of protection its the means of having to do what I have to do I'll deal with it don't know how okay um but you know thank you anyway because I got a couple interesting replies and you know the big question was and i had actually oppose us to the B-fly not like I think the B-fly's gonna like answer me but you know just rhetorically hypothetically not hypothetically but rhetorically I don't know I think that's the right word and um the thing is i know i know some of what you guys are saying i am you know I've been around it my whole life and I think I think I think i agree with you guys for the most part and you know a couple of the things like okay I so got one who is a real cutie pie and tends to be a real smartass like me sometimes and and so "Noelle people just can't handle you" I'm like, okay great so now what does that mean? and then you know so we went back and forward in the messages and then there was a follow-up saying look bottom line is that you know you have a presence in a personality and is it it's big and I'm like but I don't necessarily do anything unless it's on stage or like you know I'm talking to you fine folks right now and said you don't have to you're just you it just is there and so I'm like okay I don't know how to take that because i don't know what to do with that. I might as well use it for good and that's why you know I go out and I speak and I try to encourage people and help them and it might as well mean something it might as well do something for somebody else because what it does for me well when i get the good stuff what it does for me is it encourages me back and it's nice to connect with people the not so good part is that it attracts people who don't know how handle it like the one God is saying to me and you know people get a little weird and crazy on me and so just appreciating me for who i am it's like oh well she's cool she's lovely with it whatever that adjective is for you and um it just.. it just.. it can make me feel like ill at ease because this person is acting weird towards me what do i do? you know? because I'm just me and I'm thinking when I'm approaching somebody or talking to somebody even online it's like hey you know i'm i'm coming to somebody on their level and then i'm really starstruck is the way I think of it you know and i'm like i don't know what to do with that I don't know what to do with that because that's the thing i am not like super famous I have some notoriety and I've gone to this place before and right before my star would launch and you know this is something that my boss Aaron Spelling's on me and you know he would joke around i think he was joking around he's dead I can't ask him now, but you know he would joke around saying that "I'm gonna make a TV show about you" we're just gonna like put the cameras on you the hello that was way before reality TV happened you know he was onto something with a genius, right? but I really thought he was joking and I'm like no, get out of here but you know there's just something i don't know but you see the reason i ask it because i don't want people to be crazy around me I want everybody to feel good, normal, and not act weird and then cause problems for me and my board and staff and my family and people around me my friends like my friends friends you know because it it it's just it's just weird you know how do you handle something like that and I like, "god help me if I ever didn't become like super super famous or something" then what? you know. I'm not in it for that I mean read my website you can see my mission statement. my thing is all about healing hearts and helping but you know I guess when you're in the public eye this happens and you know it's not what I don't want to sound ungrateful either you know I know I sound like I don't appreciate people extending their hands to me but you know some people just don't know what to do with me and my arm is killing me owie see I know what you're going through. right? i mean does that did I kind of say that right? yeah I I don't know well you see me what do you think? oh my god really really I can't believe I'm having this conversation ok whatever. the Sun os realy glaring. Sun came out. vitamin D Day for sure ok so you know people who can hang with me on my level where I'm at thank you you make my life so easy and very pleasant and you know it's just I just want to be me and I want you to be you and you know I want everybody to be everybody and I can't adjust the lighting and those and so blown out I'm not a high end production quality video never meant to be good lord. so anyway guys thank you for the input and the feedback i know i don't know how i'm going to solve it i don't know i'm going to do as long as people stop stealing from me as long as people treat me you know, normal i'm not looking for special treatment or anything like that but I don't think it's too much to ask to be treated with respect and not be stolen from I don't think it's too much to ask that you know people just cool. it normal behaviors but i'm laughing because that really is unbelievable I have to ask for that nowadays. well I guess so because you guys you see what's happening people being shot up at the night club and we went to nightclubs we've got to um... what was the name of that one on Sunset Boulevard? I can't remember now anyway I was gonna give them a plug they're great um you know I can't say I go clubbing anymore i think it's been years for me maybe ? in a while I've just gotten so busy I can't have fun anymore like that but you know what I'm saying it's like what what is going on we can't go out and enjoy ourselves without fear of this happening but see this is the terrorists they want to make you afraid and that is the first weapon of choice for terrorism and you know terrorism does not necessarily have to occur on you know that kind of a level there's different forms of it there's corporate terrorism you know, you name it. it's a form of bullying but a extreme form when you got weapons involved like that. that's horrible it makes me mad and it makes me sad it makes me grieve for those people i mean they weren't doing anything right there trying to have fun, love on each other, and enjoy community and then this happens and then people say well whatever they're saying I'm like "what?" no no and this shouldn't have happened this is bad this is wrong and evil, it's wicked wicked ok and when I say things rhetorically like how do we know what's wrong I mean obviously I know what's wrong and obviously i know you it's wrong but it's like okay let me rephrase let me start rephrasing it under a prefiss we obviously know that this act is wrong how is it that we know as human beings its wrong? how do we know murder is wrong when we know murder is wrong because we're taking something I mean it death is wrong killing somebody like that it's wrong a life is no longer here how do we actually know as human beings because most people know that is wrong and it's good i had one person who's like "how do you know killing people's wrong?" "well if you don't know I can't help you" and then I didn't mean it like that. i mean like how I just said it we know its wrong but how do we know its wrong and and who told our ancestors to write it in laws and who told them before the laws are written you know there has to be some kind of community punishment and you know we have something written on our hearts and say what is wrong innately don't we how is that put there? I'm fascinated by it personally. personally I think it's God that rights and in the Bible says that God wrote all these things on our hearts that's how we know that's how you know i would like to your other people give feedback. how what what is it or programming that says we understand this and then what is in some people's programming that can rationalize it a way to murder somebody or just doesn't get that it's wrong you know I i just find it fascinating I find it horrible too. don't get me wrong but you know maybe if we can figure out why that is the answers to these questions that might also be another part of the puzzle you know solving this because obviously we have to do something. obviously know there's all sides of the fence is saying get rid of weapons don't get rid of weapons. you know why I don't have the answer for those let's check it out ok so i went from talking about what the feedback that I got my inbox to this buffoonery tangent time. ok so i love you guys and have a really good day thank you for your interesting feedback. yeah keep it coming yeah my silly life so silly something is called me in a unicorn before amd i'm like it's cute i like it kind of puts into perspective what we're dealing with here. ok so i love you guys talk to you soon and thank you for behaving. bye-bye

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