
Sunday, August 13, 2017

2 Sweet Letters 12-8-15
Original AirDate: December 8, 2015
Copyright Date: November 2, 2013
All rights reserved, you may not copy any portion of this spoken word or writings. Thank you for respecting artist expression and ownership.
Letter 1: I have just carefully and thoughtfully reading reading your email attachment of October 28, and I too would like to have some definitive closure of this protracted conflict. I do believe, though, that because of our radically different views of events, our concepts of resolution will also be contradictory.
All that we humans experience in life, our successes and failures, our relationship and accomplishments, are not facts that exists in a vacuum. Our life histories are seen and interpreted through the lenses of our culture, our past experiences, and our expectations. Because these lenses are different and unique for everyone, we see and feel the story of our life in a wholly individual way. Tow individuals can be standing side-by-side and go through the same event, and yet have radically different accounts of the experience. Is one account true and the other false, or vice versa? Both of the contrasting views of the event are true, within the context of that person’s filter of life, it is their story and has no more or less validity than the other individual’s rendition of the event. The effort to make one story conform to the other, to prove one is right and the other wrong, or create a single account that commingles the two is often futile and probably unnecessary. All relationships experience these disconnects from time to time, and often it is most wise to agree to disagree and take separate paths, as in the parable of Abram and Lot.

It is clear, from your words, that you have felt dissatisfaction and distress during your time at ( ) It was never my desire nor intention to cause or contribute to this, and I do not think that it was your motive to disrupt my experience either. We have had years of shared encounters that we obviously interpret in radically different ways, and it is very unlikely that our divergent stories of who did what, will ever be resolved.

I do not desire or intend to detail my view of this whole experience, or debate the merits of our varying viewpoints, because I do not believe that this will lead to any consensus or resolution. I will make no attempt to justify my behavior or criticize yours. I will try to charitably give everyone involved credit for doing their best, and then recommend that we go our separate ways. I intend to continue doing my job to the best of my ability, and to fulfill my duties as articulated by my employer. My personal feelings and private life are my own, including my view of this difficult impasse wherein we find ourselves.

I am sorry that you have struggled with aspects of your experience at ( ) I hope that you will find a way to move on, find peace in your life, and satisfaction in your artistic expression.
Letter 2:
Dear Beloved: Do you really want me to leave? Do you truly know the story of Abram and Lot?

It’s a beautiful telling of Gods’ and Abram’s love for Lot and his family. This is not a tragedy for the righteous. There is restoration and rebuilding; not a of a land but perhaps in the heart. Abram and Abarham is the same person. When God made a covenant (meaning promise) with Abrah, God “Changed” Abram’s name to Abraham.
In a sense, God breathed new life into Abram and gave him a new name as a symbol and sign of this covenant. Go dmade Abram the father of many nations and in the Hebrew language the “h” is very breathy when pronounced; just an interesting insight is all. Sarai also received a new name: Sarah. When God changes things, He makes
all things new from inside to outside. Here are some interesting things about what you mentioned that you may not be aware of:

1. Abram and Lot didn’t separate due to ill will, disagreement, fighting, disconnect or conflict. The land couldn’t support their vast herds and wealth. It was their herdsmen that were quarreling.
2. Abrahaman had rescued Lot from Kings. That’s not a disconnect, that’s connection–that’s love. They were still tethered together for there are some things that even distance can never separate.
3. Abraham interceded on Lot’s behalf to save his life before Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.
4. Abraham asked The Lord to spare Sodom & Gomorrah if there were at least 10 righteous.
5. The Lord God couldn’t find at least 10 (our of tens of thousands) righteous people in the city.
6. Angels were sent to warn Lot and Lot got out of the city with his family.
7. The cities were destroyed due to the un-Godliness = sin and darkness of the people.
8. God used Abraham to save Lot’s life. Abraham loved Lot. God loved Lot.
9. If Abraham didn’t intercede on Lot’s behalf–Lot would’ve perished in the destruction of the cities. And you want me, the one who’s been interceding on your behalf, to go? Do you know what you’re saying?
10. If Abraham chose another filter; one of selfishness and not love; Lot would’ve perished. Abraham chose a better filter, a better way to do things. A filter that preserved life.
11. It’s analogous to what Jesus did on the cross for us with His nail pierced hands. He interceded to save US.
12. Outcomes form our filters do matter. If one continuously chooses filters that cause destruction, pain, suffering, harm, etc, then we’re not using the correct filters. We need to identify it and make changes.
13. Parables were used by Jesus to tell analogous stories so that those who were spiritually inclined to hear would hear and those that were spiritually inclined to “see” would “see”. If Jesus straight up told the people, “I am the Messiah.” They would’ve crucified Him too soon before He could get His message out with the parables.
However, Lot and Abraham isn’t a parable, this is factual history.

Agreed, two people having the same experience can view things differently; each with their own filters that can vary their interpretation of it and ultimately shape choices and outcomes. Alas, that’s why there’s chaos in the world” people choose the wrong filters in which to view things. If you wear dark tinted glasses, the world looks dark. There is right and wrong; truth and deception; whether you believe it or not. Gravity: we can’t see it but it exists. It is a fact and can’t be interpreted differently because it’s factual truth which is different from personal truth and this is where filters shape our personal truth.

It’s our choice which set of filters to choose. It will change our path and view radically. Filters can cause misinterpretation as well. Filters also chose and define the company we keep (within and without). That company also influences our filters and choices. Certainly there are many filters and combinations of them, but it’s not wise to choose one leading to destruction. One set of filter embraces the truth (HOPE, love, life, peace, joy, light, patience, accountability, selflessness, long suffering meaning persistence, forgiveness, harmony). It’s a strong standard of arbitration which has unshakable foundations. One set of filters allows deception (darkness, destruction, legalism, rigidity, confusion, anger, blame, self-hatred, self-protection, mask wearing, confusion). It’s a weak wall to hide behind until it crumbles and then it’s too late.

If you want me to leave, tell me these words looking into my eyes and perhaps you’ll “see” for the first time.

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