
Thursday, August 19, 2021

Report [2021 8-19] Bad use of My IP, by Noelle

 Bad Use of My IP

Opinion Editorial by Noelle Rose Andressen-Kale © mine! Hands off! 

In light of recent days I’ve been wondering what the money from bad use of my IP (Intellectual Property) and private conversations has been used for.

Before we go any further, it has been proven that my property has been stolen. It’s also very interesting that since I came forward that several attempts have been made on my life and my son’s and husband’s life as well.

Evidence [2021 8-4] Suspicious Person in White Car Follows us in Parkinglot
Evidence - Airplane and Helicopter Collage
Evidence [2021 4-3] White Vehicle, Van tries to hit us
Evidence [2021 2-23] Man Intimidates and Bangs on Car
Evidence [2021 2-18] Attempt to harm us with a vehicle (Public ver)
Chemical Dispencing via Car, Again

We have witnesses, police reports, all on video as well.


What is IP?

IP is anything that someone makes and has ownership of, mostly: written or spoken words, drawings, photographs, designs, documented ideas such as concept meetings and their notes and synopsis, etc. Most often it is artwork or any work that is created by an individual. It is their property much as a house that they buy their property.

Mis-Use Tactics

I have not given anyone permission to use my property. It is also evident that some unscrupulous people have attempted to get our signatures on suspicious non descript or non specified documents in attempts to transfer our signatures to another document or to copy the current document for use for another application other than the one we used it for. In other words if someone uses a document we signed and it has not identifiers on it for its specified use, an unscrupulous person could copy it and give it to another company to transfer rights, unlawful background searches, medical records releases, permission to photograph or use likeness, etc. We now place these details in all our documents so no one can do this to our artists when they dance with or for us. It protects us and them even more and we are glad to do so.

If the above happens, it is unlawful and we can press charges against anyone doing this to us. If anyone does this to our festival or artists documents, we can also sue them for theft of the documents since we keep all our paperwork under lock and key. They would have to explain how they broke into our things and swiped the documents.

We have since caught many people using our signatures in this unlawful manner. We had an attorney using it for release of our medical records for another entity not related to our specific incident. It is believed the mis-use was because people wanted to find out our medical weaknesses so they could harm us further. Sometimes we found they were attempting to see if we had any mental medical background issues. We have none. We found that they had unlawfully searched using a signed document for another incident non related. We can sue and put these people in jail for this gross misuse. They have attempted to smear our names and have failed greatly because of our evidence.

What Has My IP Been Used For?

We have seen my IP, excerpts of our private convos (which the moment someone records it-it becomes IP. FACT! That means the moment it is used, recorded for use which is usually preparatory, it is documented as property. It also shows invasion of privacy to an extreme!), my likeness, my skills, etc used in commerce against my will. It’s been used for dialogue, books, narratives in anything written or spoken, speeches, interviews on and off camera, scripts, TV/films, choreography, videos, songs, products, building designs (someone accessed my SIMS game! And used my home designs for real homes! Even some of the names of families and their children showed up as characters in various film & TV shows and some “real life people” using stage names) and so on.

There is no statute of limitations when it gets to the great amount and the means in which this my IP is being accessed, collected, recorded and sold! This has now become a grave humanitarian slight and crime against humanity and one specific human: me.

What else my IP being used for… which is the main purpose of this article.

I am not married to nor embracing anything stated herein and will stand corrected if we receive enough evidence ourselves to change our minds, but as of yet, we only keep finding more evidence to support our findings.

We are curious as to where the money for our IP has gone and the use of that money. Let’s follow this trail some more.

If you watch some of my older videos, you will see that we were in discovery phase of our investigation into what is happening to us. Fun may not be the right word, but it’s been very interesting and trying at times. We had pieces to a large puzzle. The more pieces we gather and place the picture keeps changing. It may be not until the very last piece that is found and placed that we will see the picture clearly.


What is the theft of my IP funding?

Laundering is term used to describe how an illegal gathering of money is passed through various stages and hands to lose its trail of original income. I’ve been thinking about this long and hard…

What if it’s being used to create a laundering process? I of course do not want this done with my property and I am currently fighting against this and any other means in which it may be used. It’s unlawful and against my human rights. We are currently sending even more cease and desist letters to companies to express that we do not want our property specifically mine used in this manner at all.

The term Front is used to describe when something is put into the front or the public’s eye as the thing but it is only a faced. What’s really going on is behind the scenes. A front is usually used in the laundering process.

We think it’s somehow funding or being used as a front to explain where all the money from the trafficking of children and slave labor in sweat shops. Sweat shops are factories in which children work to make company’s products for free or little pay.

What we think may be happening to our IP is this:

Our property is gathered via many means: unlawful surveillance (phones, devices, neighbors given equipment via maybe the police or some other agency), gleaning from our social media or our existing published property (referred to as “knock-offs”), mirrors as in dance studios (we believe some mirrors have a lens as in a camera), sous surveillance and other means that we are still investigating and learning about.

The possible pathways:

1.      We have a private conversation in our apartment, neighbors or someone use devices to capture and record it. It could also be that our apartment is spiked with surveillance equipment too. There could be many entities vying for my IP using various means to gather it. Our electric bill is higher than it was in Vegas when we owned a 1600 sq ft home. We think somehow there’s wiring that allows the possible surveillance to syphon off our own electric current so that we are paying for the surveillance being done to us. Very unlawful and illegal if this is the case. Interesting note: We have not been home much during the past 1.5 years because of extreme toxic dust particulate matter issues in our unit. Yet our bill is too high. Someone is using our electricity and it isn’t us. All of our things are packed to protect it from the dust, no appliances running, no central air conditioning. Something is very wrong.

2.      We have private conversation in our SUV, and devices placed within record it. There already is so much drain on our electrical system from an accident that seemed stage in 2006 when a car near the Yahoo building in Burbank slammed into our SUV. Toyota had it for 5 months. When anything takes this long, it’s usually because it’s being spiked, not because they can’t get the parts. We were calling other suppliers and they found it weird that Toyota couldn’t get parts for a one year old vehicle. Yes we found it weird too and ever since our SUV has never had full power to the point that the lights in the cabin for the PRNDL don’t always work. It struggles uphill even when it was new. Illegal surveillance has been placed in it. Since we brought this up to our Government, there have been many attempts by people who cause accidents for their job to do this to us! We would just keep the SUV stored legally and have it protected for our lawsuit.

3.      I attend dance classes. We believe the mirrors have lenses and are able to transmit. This is an old technology. We believe many hotels use this as well. TVs, some clocks, etc have been used for surveillance as well. This too is old knowledge. That would mean it’s possible any time I danced or improvised a dance it was recorded, stolen and used against my will. This is why we record all things now. Even if it’s improvised. We believe one time that I was used as a model for a ballet exercise video. It was demonstrated in class one time by an instructor then never again used. Then I saw it on a ballet video and they were dressed like me and some moved like me as if they watched a recording of me and copied it. The date of said video was back dated to make it look impossible for it to have been a copy of me. Sure enough, it was.

4.      Walking and talking about ideas on the way to anywhere. Sous surveillance. We caught the LADWP replacing a hidden camera near our property on video. Even though this a conversation done in public, it’s still our property that we have documented elsewhere and in private. It doesn’t become a free for all just because it’s in public. Just like your car parked in public doesn’t mean that someone can steal it without legal recourse. It’s still your property. We do make sure that people aren’t around to hear us. That would mean our conversations are being recorded by sous surveillance: Public security cameras, hidden cameras in the electrical poles, restaurants, hotels, etc.

5.      Someone recording our phone conversations. We had our specific words used in films as dialogue and they won awards for the writing! It could be the phone companies or an independent 3rd party. I have proven I have talent for my writing skills and won awards Emmy nominations but I was only allowed to go so far then I was cut off. No matter how far I was or wasn’t allowed to go, my IP is being stolen and someone is making money from it and using it for something.

6.      Social Media. We post something. It is a great fallacy that they can do this. They cannot! No matter what their contracts say, they cannot even have it in their contracts that they can sell give share your IP to another entity. AT ALL.

7.      Film labs! We have had our images used from photo development labs for cartoon characters, book and tv film characters, etc.

8.      Live Time Surveillance: The link of an example of this is above. We were walking and saying “This guy is stalking us.” Then the guy came back around and repeated our words back to us and falsely accused us. It’s on video and very clear that we were being stalked and surveilled. It’s an excellent example. This type of thing happens daily and we have every incident recorded. We are being stalked, attacked, poisoned, stolen from, attempts of people trying to murder us too. We have the police reports. We also have on video incidents where some bad apples in the police department were actually trying to get us to not report such incidents and trying to gaslight us even with these events on video. Often times now we have witnesses that give their testimony.

9.      Ratings companies! I used to work for Aaron Spelling. I had to report the overnights and disperse the ratings to my bosses. I know how it “works”. Many times we had One company pester us to sign a survey. We now believe this survey was used to access our home and use a form of surveillance. Guys, how do you think they figure out what everyone is watching. A device? We never had one yet we were considered by them part of their “family”. We cannot do this and sent several letters to them telling them to back off or we would sue them. Again a front for surveillance? We think yes. Interesting that they kept soliciting us to be part of their ratings “family” when we kept writing letters to them telling them NO! We are part of the film and TV industry, we can’t participate anyway. They seemed to want to break the own rules. Soon after we contacted them and a few other corporations, we had a near death car wreck and then 3.5 weeks later another attempt that seems to us in both cases a set up staging and sabotage. It’s not unheard of at all.


These are just some of the pathways. There are more, but this gives you an idea of how.

After Gathering:

After it’s gathered it’s either sent to another country’s 3rd party, perhaps China, maybe not, but then redistributed to people in our country such as: an idea pool in which artists pay a fee for what they may think is royalty free content, PR people, press, media, photographers, etc. This area is still under investigation but we have found a few companies and people that have used our property without our permission. They cannot use our signatures for older things nor things in the future. Put plainly: We don’t want anyone using our IP, private convos, likeness, etc for anything.


Let’s discuss the process in which we think this is occurring:

There’s a said company. That company makes products and wants to make a large profit by using slave labor. My IP is stolen for practically little money and I’m not paid at all in any way at all. I am enslaved! They pay other to gather my data then sell it for a much bigger profit. It could be said to those stealing my IP or hired to do so that I’m a terrible person under law enforcement’s scrutiny for doing something wrong. We have our live scans, I have no criminal background at all. I wouldn’t even know who or what or where to go to do so. Plus we have our lives that we record 24/7. We are on the run for our lives. We don’t even have the money or access to do any of these things. It is by careful legally sleuthing that we have found out what we have already.

Another way to look at this:

When q wants their money they have money filtered that they earn selling children to make it look like it’s coming from a FRONT company. They do so by doubling and tripling receipts. For example: You go to a store and buy a product for $10. There’s a receipt. That receipt is altered for $20. This gives $10 laundering room to filter in money from illegal things that we believe is the selling of children and my IP. They can’t just have the money from selling children or my IP pop out of nowhere so they justify it with these companies altered receipts. It is in the excess amount that gives them “plausibility” to say the money came from a bought product. Going to digital currency will prevent from the receipts being easily adjusted. Paper or manual print out receipts can be easily adjusted to reflect any amount. If you buy something for $100 q can alter the receipt to be $200. The same with my IP. They can say they purchased it for $100 and re-sell it for whatever the amount they desire to justify where the money from selling children came from. It’s about receipts and laundering.

Then the profits of my IP being used in films, TV, etc are making money as well so there’s that income I’m not getting and income for the actual IP I’m not getting. The selling of children isn’t money I want. It’s dirty money. That needs to just be stopped once and for all. Since I was raped, I know what’s it’s like to be violated and enslaved. I don’t like and I don’t want anyone making money off me or my IP to harm me or children or anyone!

Rubans Rouges and My Red Ribbons Story:

My name is Noelle Rose Andressen-Kale. I have shared my story of Red Ribbons with many. I have been raped which I believe was a form of sacrifice that my grandfather did so he could work in organized crime from what I understand. I had nothing to do with it. I was a victim. That is a legal term not a self-pity emotional state. A victim is a legal term describing the person harmed. There are such people as innocent by standers. Also a legal term. Too many on the internet, media, government pretend and attempt to downplay legal terms in attempts to victim shame or blame the one harmed. My grandma had a story she told me: What did the murderer say to his victim that lay dead on the ground? He said, “Get outta here, you’re making me look bad.” That is very precise in how the narcissistic bullies behave. They say “shhh!” “Don’t tell.” Well I’m not keeping quiet and I am telling.

In return these awful men in this awful group have attempted to ruin my life. But my life was already enslaved an ruined by this group. Who is this group of evil men? Apparently some refer to this thing as que. I didn’t create this term, it was told to us. We did figure that not one single person could do all of this awfulness by themselves. It would have to be a group effort in which there is a schedule, responsibilities of who takes care of what awful aspect of what makes this group function, financiers, and innocent human beings that are being ruined like the children, the infirm and me! I am stopping this and paying a price for it.


In 2018 – present we have written our government and its officials our findings. We have a list, receipts of sent materials, phone calls made, etc. President Trump is one we reached out to. While we think this entire thing is awful, we also think it’s stupid. Too many lives ruined because of this group of men who are trying to drag me into this bulls***. I want nothing to do with it. I want to be left alone. I want all the money they made selling my IP and making a profit from it. I want them to stop their awful harm to our world and its people. I want them to stop poisoning us and the world. They should be in prison to say the least because we could personally throw the book at them for all they did to us. We aren’t saying they didn’t do these things to other people but they have targeted us the most and have used most of their evilness on us. We are stopping this with or without help from others. We will win and are winning.


Effects Of Using My IP:

Please also know that using my IP has caused me to be in the poor house, homeless or a better word is displaced. My home has been poisoned, I cannot reside in it due to this poisoning. It is toxic dust particulate matter that causes terrible symptoms. Once we leave the building our symptoms disappear. I have also been blacklisted by some. We are legally fighting all of these things because it has become a grave human rights issue in which I have been enslaved and cannot succeed in the vast amount that I should have been able to succeed in my life. It is because I changed my name a few times that I have gotten as far as I have. I am not changing my name again. I am taking a stand and fighting this bulls*** to win. Why should I be enslaved so other people who get perks from this said group get lifted up and make a better living. I want my life back and all that it was meant to be.

I was their best kept secret as long as they could keep me a secret. I am not longer a secret and am winning this battle against these evil men. Do not contribute to this because I have no problem suing anyone who is causing me this hardship. If my work is good enough to be stolen, cherry picked form, sold and others making a good living then it’s good enough for me to own and sell my own work and make the same good living and have the same type of good life as these law breakers and thieves do.

Word of caution: Do not steal from me. I am prosecuting hard. I will win!


Fallacy: It is a fallacy that if you use our IP you are protecting yourself supposedly allying yourself with those who are stealing our IP. You will be sued as well if you use our IP or private conversations. Also, it is wrong if you use our IP as a way to step up the ladder of success. It is theft. It is illegal. Our federal government knows about it and we have reported every instance and have others helping us report these instances. Do not do steal my IP. If you are related to me or connected to me in most cases we have disconnected in hopes you would be protected from being solicited to steal my IP. We are doing our best. But your actions of stealing or using my IP will not protect you.


Something aside to ponder:

It has been said that some people in the witness protection program have their deaths staged. We have seen more evidence of this daily especially of late. That is one means in which to save people, by letting their enemies believe they’re dead. We don’t agree with it, we believe it causes more problems than not, but let’s look at this further. Is the stealing and selling of my IP being used for this? Just curious. That would be interesting. I hope not because while it may seem noble, I’m not ok with this method at all. I’m living very poorly to either fund this or the other above mentioned items. It may not be likely it’s this one but more likely the other above mentioned ones. We believe that people need to face their enemies and nail them hard. More on this “enemy” and who they may be. We are certain that it’s a group of very evil men who are mocking the Apostles and Jesus model. They destroy instead of create. They hate rather than love. They may be the ones enslaving me. Would you like the names? We have found many of them and documented it very clearly.


More to come…

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