
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Fighting Dragons

by Noelle Rose® Andressen-Kale; Jared Kale & Rubans Rouges® Photo mine! If you use it for anything I will hunt you down. This is what I normally look like when these a$$hats aren't dumping toxins into my home or air, water, food, products, public places, or any place in the world. We need to hold these dragons accountable for high crimes against humanity & me personally on so many levels. Wanna know the secret to anti-aging: Get these SOB's & stop them from poisoning our world. We used science to figure this out. President Trump we NEED YOU! Help us fight!

Beautifuls & Beloveds, this article contains both our opinions and some interesting reflections on history and society. Please refer to my/our other articles to catch up on our philosophy and terminology. This will also help acquaint you with what we’ve been experiencing and how we’ve been managing our complicated and dangerous world situations.

In Brief: Who am I? Noelle Rose® Andressen-Kale, an Emmy nominated artist which includes writing. Primarily I dance professionally as a contemporary-modern artist and choreographer. I bring my true life stories to the stage and screen. Dancing isn’t my only profession as I also sing, obviously write, produce, design fashions, create music, teach the arts, and above all I like to think that I’m a well balanced human being that loves everyone and holds evil people to account.

As displayed in my last writings, I find myself with my immediate family in a circumstance we didn’t ask for and are begging for President Trump and his faithful crew & family to help us defeat our foes. More and more we find our foes may be the world’s foes as well. As a reluctant Alice, I shall say that I will win and press on forward. There is no substitute for winning, especially when one’s life depends upon it. More on this later.

It is indeed our current situations that brought me to craft this piece: “Fighting Dragons”. I have “the corporation” in mind when thinking about such ugliness and depravity = dragons. Certainly, there can be cute, adorable, friendly dragons, those aren’t the ones in mind. We are talking about those that hide in dark dungeons and cause destruction to our world.

This is the topic at hand for this article: The destruction “the corporation” has caused in this world throughout time via using a pattern found in fashion. Some of this knowledge I came by with wisdom, study, or being an open vessel to that of the Lord.

A note about God, specifically to non-believers: You believed in dinosaurs for how long? You saw the supposed skeletal remains in which museums? Did you ever ask to see the original bones? Did you ever wonder why or how these bones never over billions of years never became part of the earth? We did. I did. They’re also not mentioned in the Bible for a reason. We were lied to. We were told they gave us fossil fuels. So before you claim: guff about God, consider if you were one of those who bought into the dinosaurs. There’s more evidence that Jesus existed. Onward. 

In looking back at history you can benchmark events that chiseled away at society or the world. Each one destroyed humanity a little bit more. Some of this will be discussed in this article also. It is also believed by me, what “the corporation” had striven for throughout time as they passed their baton to their next successor. This group has a type of minatory brethren (with or without a king leader remains to be discovered) or faux apostolic mimicking attempt of creating the world in its image. 

Let us review some benchmarks of our time, some elements of fashion design, and discuss and ponder if it truly could be plausible that we are under the feigned take over by a hostile group of anti-humanitarian men. Also, see if you see the pattern of disguise or Grand Illusion being presented. Here’s some highlights of our research paper and thesis that exists in fuller form. This is not the formal presentation of it, obviously I break the professional narrative with my own commentary that’s more “friendly” and less formal, but you’ll get the idea and understand our thesis. The evidence? Well that my friends isn’t for you to see quite yet. Not only do we not choose to do so but “they” do not choose to do so either. Some is on our youtube channel though.

The Rabbit Hole of Time

There’s a lot to say about many of the decades past. Certainly the benchmarks of prohibition, the Great Depression (photo right was before that time period dominated by flappers and lots of interesting head pieces) and even dating back to the Revolution and the colonization of North America may explain much to us and provide clues and patterns. We have much to say about all of this but we are considering brevity and how far back in time do we chase this rabbit? Then to wonder if we all are rabbits. Let’s start with the 1940s.



One of the benchmarks of the 30s-40s was World War 2. It plagued this time period and a bit prior. It comes on the heels of the Great Depression in 1929-1933. Humanity was under such hardships that may not have been rivaled as of yet in modern day times. Wars always seemed to generate jobs and income. If there is an upper echelon of evil men, not only did they not want to be “known” but: did they conjure WW2 because their money was depleted or maybe another reason? We’re well aware of what the history books and various speeches from our officials declare, but what if there’s another way to approach this subject matter? The nice and neater answers were already given to us. They’re more palatable. No one wants to think that we’re all at the mercy of said group. However, what if we are? Let’s look at the fashion of the time. Why? I believe this holds a lot of clues.

1940s styles had lots hats (hats with mesh veils which would protect the facial skin) and hair tied with scarves (a protective means to keep our heads and hair follicles safe. Whatever this stuff is, it causes hair to fall out). Hats were still around but fashion was inexpensive and low key unless of course you were a film star whose job was to keep our worrying minds off worrying by providing escapism for if we really knew the truth would we be able to handle it? Yes, we would. The more likely answer is that “the corporation” didn’t want anything spotlighting what they were doing. “They” provided anything to keep us busy and not focus on “them”. Magicians call this the slight of hand and so do charlatans and conjurers.

Hollywood was ramping up even more and becoming more of an industry unto itself. Suits for men were raging, hats too. Maybe they were not all star makers but slave makers. More on this later but was this another tool used by “the corporation” to keep our men in fantasy land with pin ups for their barracks and then some. 

Towards the end of this decade was a time period when the style for women was to have fuller figures. Some like this look very much, to each their own. Could it be that the fuller figures were something that no one could control? We’ve asked a lot of women if they’d like to have fuller figures. Not one of them said yes. Could it be that the extra weight was caused by toxins in our air, water, or products we consumed?

Note: During covid, we once again have this odd excess weight occurring. The guise of: It’s covid and everyone is under quarantine, home bound, and no one is exercising. Really? People who didn’t exercise before all of a sudden since March is putting on weight? Even young people? Most people didn’t exercise before because they had no free time to do it. Now there’s more free time for many and they are exercising. We can state for ourselves we’re doing more than before (in ways that doesn’t injure our injuries) and are still battling bulges (at all ages young and elderly) we never had before not even post car accident time when we couldn’t do much physically. We were more sedentary then versus now. This shouldn’t be happening to professional dancers and it isn’t due to aging, that’s a big fat lie. Note: when we get out of the toxins and away from it for a time, the weight falls off, the skin rebounds and heals. These horrible men are aging us all prematurely. It’s not a biological virus doing it. It’s impossible - it’s scientifically impossible.

Could it be that there was something in the air in the 1940s (50s) as there is now that causes this fake fat to present itself? Could it be methanol that causes a swelling and heaviness to build up in our tissues thus results in sagging of skin and fake fat? Is benzene what causes artificial aging? Is it mercury in our water? Both? More? Here’s another thought: What if “they” are intentionally causing menopause? We have documentation stating that women didn’t stop menstruating until much older than around 50. In fact, the later a woman starts her cycle in her youth, the longer she will have it in her furthered years. My family had theirs for a very long time, they had to take medications to stop it.

Another interesting aspect during this time: men went to war women went to work. This caused women to become powerful. They earned money, ran the household, raised the children, they did it all. Not so unlike today’s time except now due to false inflation or whatever is driving the cost of living up, women have to work and in most cases so do their children. (Again, there’s so much more to this topic, this is just a quick highlight of our more in depth thesis.)



To spring board off the last paragraph: We believe “the corporation” didn’t like women so powerful being able to do everything, so the marketing spun it to keep them at home and look dolled up as they became enslaved to men and their families. Our country wouldn’t tolerate forcing women to be slaves so the marketing had to do this on the sly and entice them. They also had to make it very unpopular for women to work which is absurd since they were just working during the war. This is supposedly what became the “Christian” life style. Men worked and women stayed at home and made a castle for her king. We’re created equal in God’s eyes as help mates to each other not enslaved. We also believe “the corporation” took Biblical Scripture and twisted it to be a macabre vision of our world through evil eyes not Godly loving eyes. “The corporation” would give a little, take a little, things may not have always gone to plan so they then had to figure the next marketing spin to work their way around again to total female enslavement and to de-masculinize men-this we would see soon enough unfortunately.

Basically, “the corporation”: They’re cowards and they make the strong weak as to not have opposition for opposition would do them in.

Hiya fellas! Am I close?

With the 1950s generation, we have a lot contributing to fashion and the historical clues: Elvis, Beatles (they both overlap into the 60s as well), greasers, pearl necklaces, poodle skirts made of wool, TV and TV dinners, scarves, leather jackets and pants, more smoking, hair had utilized hairspray & petroleum jelly, scarves, etc. follow me? All of these items protect the body. The pearls protect the chemically vulnerable clavicle area and neck in which these toxins like to choke their victims, as do scarves. Petroleum jelly kept men’s hair intact (seriously why would anyone use such stuff just for a fashion statement unless it was a protective means created by good men who also propped up people to promote such things and make the masses want to do this). Hairspray worked for the women.

You can also take this further as we did with architecture studies and trends. The newest trend is lead glass paneled walls. This new “window” keeps the toxic crap from seeping into your home fairly decently. Yes, that’s what it takes. Think about it: Stone castles, adobe homes, were these really built for only one purpose protection from the weather or enemy arrows? Stone, dirt, also keeps this crap from seeping into your home. Rammed earth is also a great means to help. Just saying. A windowless design, that can be done if you’re building your own home, why not? But it’s terribly gloomy, but then again “White Skies” doesn’t give us much to look at any way.



What comes to mind: Vietnam (overlaps into the mid-70s), protests, flag burning, rebellion, beehive hair to bouffant, flipped bob-mop top-bombshell-new pixie-afros, high necklines, leather boots, French berets and other hats surfaced, mini skirts, and well you get the picture. How about those big aluminum cans used as hair curlers? Aluminum protects the head from these toxins. We tried it, we know. We also didn’t get as many or nearly as severe migraines. Who knew?

Chaos can be a word that describes the 1960s with overlap from the late 50s and into the early 70s. This won’t be an inclusive list, so much was occurring at this time. The point is to say a few things that we picked up on while researching various time periods for our stage and screen projects.

Recently, we’ve been contemplating strongly that we may be under chemical attack. We took notice of this a few years ago as our skies became whiter and whiter. We felt badly and noticed signs of aging almost over night. Aging doesn’t happen this way at all. This caused us such alarm.

If you look at what may be in our air currently, it causes destructive and annoying symptoms from kidney failure to itchiness. We did an experiment mostly due to costume and makeup planning, but none the less, it showed us a lot.

We wanted to create a “4 seasons look” for a dance project. I chose winter because I’m a winter baby. I created this look long before Frozen, any similarity is due to the cartoon movie producer’s fault not mine. My designs came first. By the way, one of my surnames is Anna or Anne or Anné. Are you thinking it too, because we definitely are. Yes, I know it’s very concerning. More on this later but if you look at the left cheek there's the snowflake pattern of a face slowly being frozen. Then if you want tons of pics of me in braided pig tails, it's all over my social media for over a decade. Oh and the fact that Kristophe is my husband's name and the character looks like him and the sister looks like my ballet teacher, and then well there's my words from private convos used in it too. There's just so much about all of this. Oh and how we knew certain execs from that place too. Just saying.

For our project I did this really cool winter princess makeup look and love the results. I used hair spray and noticed even back then the itching stopped. My scalp was itching a lot of times and I couldn’t place why or pin point what was occurring. Any time I used hairspray, the itching stopped. It also stopped when I used certain herbs. Hairspray has chemicals, it shouldn’t keep ones scalp from itching if it was a medical condition, it would contribute to more itching as chemicals more often than not tend to be irritants.

Hairspray creates a boundary between the outer air and the scalp. It protects it from falling out too. Let’s look at the leather boots. We started wearing leather attire. We didn’t get itchy any more. We also used scarves, higher necklines, and that too protected our skin from itching and other symptoms like the feeling of being choked. With this discovery, I reflected upon what my Nana used to do. My mom thought she was vain, she wasn’t vain, my Nana was protecting her life, health and preventing from premature aging. She created a beauty regimen that made a buffer between the possible toxic outside air and her body or skin. She showed me what to do as a child and when going back to it, it works. She may have had privileged information via my corrupt grandfather. (I don’t condone his affiliations and reject them completely. He wasn’t a moral man, but it stopped with him.) I say may have had in regard to my Nana because I don’t want to spill all the beans yet. Yet.

Then we started looking at other photos of the atmosphere throughout the generations. The white skies have made their appearances before. Perhaps not as overwhelming as decades past display, but definitely apparent.



Less hairspray for hairstyles, some pixie hair styles but mostly long and straight. Turtlenecks, All in the Family, SOAP, more long flowing clothing, loose, oil crisis, seat belts in cars. We had suede, leather, corduroy used to make hats, purses, vests, skirts, and tons of other clothing. Could this have been more for protection and not fashion statements? Vietnam was over in the mid 70s but then we were facing the oil crisis. It was one thing right after the other consistently through history. That in and of itself is too coincidental. Why are so many so willing to say: “That’s life?” Is it because the song and marketing brainwashed everyone? How about creating marketing that points to “the corporation”? We like that better. This may actually help resolve the problem.

Don’t forget about the cartoons, the films and the merchandising of Hollywood. We have George Lucas to thank

for that. Star Wars - watch it with new eyes this time look for clues that show what’s really going on in our world. The force? Maybe this is really calling out “the corporation” and displaying how they’re set up. Jedi Mind Trick? Probably the method in which “they” plant people in lives (such as ours) and use the method of power of suggestion, hint drops and influence to cause certain things to happen. Ben Kenobi said that it works only on the weak of mind. Well don’t be weak of mind. If someone tells you to stop doing what you love, tells you you’re too old to do what you’re doing - strongly suspect this person was planted in your life to get you to give it up, whatever “it” is. It could be a husband, a career, a hairstyle, anything. Just say no and stay 6 feet away. Distance causes people to not be able to influence as well. Does anyone hear a covid bell ringing? Anyone? How about those star buns? Protect the ears much. This crap goes after the ears, eyes, well all of our holes.

Then also take a look at the comics in the newspapers. These were read by adults. No kid asked: “Hey dad, mom can I read the newspaper when you’re done?” Most don’t even know Snoopy was in these pages. Not claiming this artist or character or franchise did anything detrimental, it is just an example. For the most part it was very loving and nurturing. I’m not going to state which ones were devious. Do your research and figure it out, we did. Most of those panels were written towards an adult generation. It is always the cartoons, the marketing, the toys that prep and condition the kids then when they’re adults they read the comic panels and the brainwashing really begins as a lure for them to read the propaganda in the newspaper. Again with the cartoons - Third Reich cartoon depicting what a supposed non human looks like. “they” decided who was an essential or non essential worker. Watch “Schindler’s List”. Any covid bells ringing for anyone? They should be sounding an alarm. Wake up. 

(Just want to briefly state that we were having a concept meeting about how to create a scenario to control or end the world. We talked about essential and non essential workers. Not that we would do this in reality, but for our films, books, dances, we needed to create a world so we could warn. Our “FIGHT FOR LOVE” performance production touched on this subject matter. We know we were listened to. Too much of the marketing of covid was from our private meetings - about a film we wanted to do - not a cover up for a biological “virus”. Yeesh.)

Let’s regress (lol the media started using this word recently to hint drop-they’re listening to us) - Not only did we have Star Wars but Murphy’s Law and Ziggy and thus an explanation as to why our lives were so messed up. We all were apparently born under a dark “Ziggy” cloud and anything that could good wrong would. It also mooches off of David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust persona. These people just couldn’t leave the poor guy alone, always stealing from his creation even his birth name. Really another singer with the same name at the same time? Seems more like a purposeful prop up created to mirror and steal and control the original genuine article by suppression or oppression.

Watch my dopple ganger video: “Are you being doppleganged?”

It’s about whether people are being intentionally twinned to suppress or oppress the original, steal from the original and create a carbon copy, one that is vetted and easily controlled. “They” need a front to keep “them” covered and a way to funnel their money earned less than legitimately doing unethical things. I’m not stating that all are being twinned but could it be the most amazing people are. Let’s find out.


Note: “the corporation” only allowed those meaning us civilians participate in their scheme of illusion if what you or your product had to offer somehow detracted from humanity and morals. The higher up you went on this ladder the more your product had to destroy in some way. They also try to punish those who don’t do their bidding with accidents, no awards, bad publicity, we know, we’ve experienced it all and have evidence.


“They” get very insecure when someone tries to do this fame thing on their own without them. They can’t control you then. They’ve done it to us too, tried to steal our names, intellectual property and create other personas to try to steal from mine ie: the free, fierce, wild dancer with flame & ruby red hair that has a heart of gold and a deep passion to fight. This includes my name, persona, personality, the skills and talents I have, etc. We’re just going to sue the heck out of all of them. That means we’ll get to dig and find other things that they don’t want us to find. It’s called discovery phase, which we love.

To get back to the statement: ‘anything could go wrong and often does’, we have gone through our past hurdles with just our show performances. Most often what went wrong was sabotage most likely from “them”. On a personal note: I once said why do I feel like I was only supposed to push the boulder but never move it? It was because “they” were in my life causing this to happen. It wasn’t bad luck or karma. It was “them”. “They” showed their ugly faces and science and math revealed “them” to me-to us. From their we were able to resolve why these boulders in my life didn’t budge. Can this be labeled as a crime: Oppression to an extreme? We’re pursuing this because if we’re right and it’s looking like yes more and more every day, we have an amazing case.

Obligatory fun leaping jumping picture & absolutely no form at all - but I got very high off the ground. This was actually a very powerful action move I learned in martial arts.


Hair spritz and more spray-this made big hair of the 50s look small. Leg warmers, tied bandannas for the hair, more of the same just done a bit differently and a bit bigger. There wasn’t as much toxic garbage where we lived, but it was enough to cause my grandmother’s belly to swell. She hardly ate, but ate healthy.


Questions to Ponder

Following me? Were all of these things truly authentic fashion statements or movements or did they have a deeper hidden practicality to them? Could be both. I think the need to protect caused the fashion to happen. We may be there once again. Head coverings seem to be used for more than just rainy or cold weather. Sure, there are some practicalities, but are these just convenient “plausibilities” in which to hide the real truth or a façade behind? Then there’s more to look at than just fashion, but the President of any given time (were they vetted by “the corporation” or was he a free soul), cars, laws, etc.

Could it also be that generations that there were not so many toxic attacks that our beloved and dear men and women of our military were the propitiation? They were at war on a battlefield suffering Agent Orange attacks, or toxins that caused Gulf War Syndrome? Were those years we were able to let our hair down, years of war that protected our homeland and satiated “the corporation” because “they” had their test group battling for freedoms?

We need to truly and factually define the need or cause of the need however. Otherwise, if we do not, we will keep ourselves in this hamster wheel - go - round of death forever until our true deaths. Which I believe should be decided by God and not “the corporation”.

Blackstar Bowie's last album's title song speaks this: "On the day of execution"?! What was David Bowie talking about? Are we really executed and it is just made to look like we died naturally or from a disease? Was that disease imposed with intent upon us? Were we lied to? Or were we just poisoned? Lord knows there’s probably enough evil servants to do “the corporation’s” bidding at this point. Let’s hope not, but let’s not be fools either. Let’s just make sure this isn’t happening. But before that, let’s look deeper into our history.



To write just a brief paragraph doesn’t do this woman justice but it serves for this article. Queen Elizabeth the First was an amazing woman who loved her country and seemingly married to it for no man could fit the role of her husband (and could be quite literally). We ask: Was she a prop up of “the corporation”? Was she so very controlled and a great performer to do the bidding of “the corporation”? Is this why they’re unable to handle redheads and not sure what to do with them? Where to categorize them? Are they QE worshipers? There’s a lot to think about.

We ask because: She had a very high, recessed hairline, very short hair (I know the reasons given to make it plausible, I’m not buying it though - these toxins make your hair fall out then and it does now too-take a chemistry class beloveds). Was this a self imposed transformation or forced one by “the corporation”? She had an 1/8 thick layer of white powdery substance on her skin, it is what seems to be an equivalent of sunscreen or zinc oxide. This element helps ward off a lot of toxins as it too creates a barrier between skin and its attackers. The entire skin cancer blocking the sun’s rays may only be part of the story, and may be a modern cover up of guileful redirects. Interesting that most people who get skin cancer have a lot of mercury in their system. Is it from dental work, air, water poisoning? More on this later. QE also had six fingers. Wore ruffs, as many did then. These are ruffled collars. Fashion statement? Statement of status? Or was this the best protection the rich had to prevent being taken by toxic exposure? These ruffs and other elements keep repeating in our society. These things are damn uncomfortable, we tend to think it wasn’t for fun fashion but necessity to protect. This stuff goes for the lower neck and chokes its victims. (odd how we’re all experiencing similar things-SOS President Trump-thank you) Toxins weren’t only known to the American Industrial age. Chemical warfare has been occurring throughout time. Whatever man could conceive or get their hands on, that is what was used. Royals died from poisoning; dispensed on foot, ocean, in the air, done perhaps in different ways today, but still the same pattern. It’s hard to trace in a toxicology panel unless you know what to look for. Science not science fiction beloveds.


Spanish Flu 1917-1918

A doctor is rumored to have used a beak like leather mask with herbs crushed into the tip of the beak’s point. It was said inhaling these herbs warded off the flu. Hmmm….What if it wasn’t a biological flu but a chemical “flu” or attack to weaken the men that were at war? Plausible tactic. It’s been done before. What if this doctor wasn’t a rumor but an attempt to protect people from dying from an onslaught of chemicals? Mask wearing? Sound familiar? Sound like a front? Sound like covid? We need to make sure that we’re not being gassed again. People in place of authority still haven’t told us why our urine, rain water, water, air, etc test with heavy metals, formaldehyde, methanol, mercury, lead, and on and on. We are very sure we know the answers, we just want those who probably don’t deserve their positions (but then again they’re probably prop-up gate-keepers or bad actors) to answer us, help us, and then we will make it public. They know this. They fear this. We welcome it. Follow me?


Culture - Nurture - Nature - Conjured?

How about cultures? Did they develop certain garb to protect themselves from the dispensed toxins? We love the customs and designs of India, the Nehru (check my spelling) collars that incidentally cover the clavicle/neck area that’s vulnerable to these toxins, long flow-y scarves and the sort. Should we also consider that dress of the other nations where sarongs, vests, and wrapped scarves are truly worn to protect the face, neck and torso? And not due to an oppressive terrorist regime? (we know they exist but were they created by “the corporation” to fulfill an endangerment part of the story they’re conjuring?

If yes, what a rotten God-Complex “the corporation” has where they would stoop so low and create societies and wars to fulfill evil desires. More on what we think their desires are later.

What if the entire Jihad premise, 9/11, and all that goes along with it isn’t real, (I mean it really happened but…) that it’s really conjured by this powerful upper circle of evil men as is attempting to pull off a horrible publicity stunt? What if “the corporation” is using covid as a way to usher in women being subservient to men in a Jihad like way (they know we wouldn’t just go along with it, so perhaps if they create the need: protect yourself from covid by wearing: Masks OR: this new style of clothing (throw a celebrity “we are the world” type song together, have fashion models and billboards sporting the new duds, commercials, etc. in an attempt to “normalize” things).

Then: oops, not good enough we have real toxins to deal with. “the corporation” panics. Then “they” decide: let’s use that as a means to market that it’s anti-aging or “something” like that.

This tactic was done after WW2. The women became powerful having to go to work-now “they” had to market the new era of women staying at home after the war and we all like good little rabbits complied. Some wanted to keep working but forbidden. Some wanted to raise a family. Once again, “the corporation” shows it’s disrespect to women and treat them like property and distort the intention of God’s plan for them to be free and not ruled over. Then, here come appliances to ease the hard labor of the female hands, quick re-heatable TV dinners to help simplify chores (this aluminum tray may have been the beginnings of metal poisoning in our food along with canned goods) TV came into our living rooms (the one eyed monster-can they see us as we watch?) We may have evidence-yes. Big Brother has been with us for a while. Did I tell you my crooked grandfather had a store “front” selling and repairing TVs. Yes. Very interesting to me. What’s also interesting is that the tobacco companies sponsored a lot of these shows. Not only would the world become addicted, but poisoned as science has displayed. Let’s think about this: Smoke helps dilute these gaseous poisons in the air that humanity may have been sprayed with for a long time. Read Alice in Wonderland. A Hookah smoking Caterpillar? That seems like a hint drop of how to protect one’s self to me. Think about the cultures that use this in abundance. It could very well be more than just a past time, or a way to relax. Call me Alice-actually call me Noelle Rose®.

Please take a look at our artists that came before us (Funny how suddenly so many use this phrasing after I began doing so-too many are trying to speak like me but come across very unnatural and sound terrible. They can’t get away with the same things I say. They don’t have the horrible experiences I do that gird them up in intestinal fortitude in which gives them the spine to support their expression. A.k.a.: Bad - bad actors. I’m the genuine article in a sense the original, they’re the bad copies. This too is an atrocity since they will never know themselves or what they could have contributed with authenticity to the world. We need them, in their own special, presentation that’s original to the world, the world doesn’t need another me-I’m already here and Trademarked too.)


“the corporation” has been poisoning humanity using various toxins and adding to their concoction for many years, for a very long time; thus forcing good people to create a line of defense such as the new styles to wear, to utilize in hair design, music, marketing all of it and even with our foods and life styles. Who knows, it could have been the bad guys creating all of these things as not to kill off or damage their own. Who knows? It’s just very interesting how the styles seem to be created for protection in guise of “new styles”. They more interesting thing is the timing of the style changes. They’re very cyclical and predictable. They begin in the middle of a decade and end just the same. Through all of this were needless wars most likely instigated by this den of dragons.

This weakens our world and makes them richer and gives them more control and causes all of us (which by the way-WE all together out number these buffoons) to lose our family members, get ill, (Don’t buy into the age and illness story that they force upon us. We weren’t meant to age as we do. We have photos of our relatives and other people’s relatives, when left alone we all do very well and age very well.) and be controlled, some more than others. (You know my story.)

If this is true, those in leadership who knew may not have wanted to panic the public telling us the complete truth: “We’re under attack. It’s not from the supposed enemy that we’re fighting (in any given war). Those wars are instigated and in a sense not real or better stated conjured by conjurers. Our enemy is hidden. It’s a group of men who…” Well you get the idea.

Not want to panic us? Really? After Pearl Harbor; Auschwitz; 9/11; etc…I think humanity can hold its excrement together-we Can Handle the Truth. We’re still going through this bs because some don’t want to panic us. Panic us - please. I think we’re adults and can take it; I don’t think humanity will panic as long as it’s disseminated properly. The old way hasn’t worked all these generations, time to do a new approach. If I need to step up and be the one, so be it. We’re all just very done with the bs. Someone knows exactly what’s going on. We may be some of those someones who know.

What if this entire thing we call life and earth is a Grand Illusion in which “the corporation” injects all things? It makes sense. It makes dreadful sense. Heaven help us if I’m right. If not, as I said before, it would make one hell of a script/film that we may do either way.

Believe in dinosaurs do you? You need to believe more in dragons for they may be the ones doing great harm to humanity.


Much love, Noelle Rose®
No worries, more is on the way. The more “they” make it hotter in San Fernando Valley/Los Angeles or any place in the world or cause destruction and unleash these toxins, the more we’ll release. The more they use anyone to poison us or the world, the more we releases. The more they fake scenarios whether it be viruses, fires, storms, whatever it is they want to do, terrorist attacks, anything, the more we release. Then the hunters will become the hunted. “They” have to learn there are consequences to their evil actions. Yeesh, no one else will stand up to them so we'll do it. Not a problem. "They" made a mistake and screwed with the wrong gal, the wrong group, the wrong people. They hire people to poison us via neighbors whether in our own residence, hotel, friend's homes, it doesn't matter, where "they" dispense the poisons, we'll keep releasing more and more. If they do anything wrong to the election ballots, or harm President Trump or his family, or me, or my son, or husband, or my family, we attack back. That's it - gloves off - pointe shoes on & I will kick major tail. They're too physically weak to battle me. I'm stronger than they are. They're so weak they have to use others to do their dirty work. Cowards fight in darkness.

This was one of my victory moments bringing the truth about what my grandfather did to me out in public & also how I forgave him and God healed me. Televised to millions. We have the tape. The bad guys hate it when I do this so I want to do it more.






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