
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Be the Shrimping Boat 
by Noelle Rose Andressen-Kale
photos Jay Kenneth or Noelle Rose Andressen-Kale (c) ours - don't use these phots or derivatives of these photos. We will go after you. Ask some of your unfortunate colleagues.

We have often wondered what it meant to be the "shrimping boat". We've

Noelle Rose Andressen professional modern & contemporary ballet dancer Rubans Rouges
seen it in various films like Forrest Gump, referred to it in the Brady Bunch with the painting in their recreation room and quite a bit more that we could spend days referencing. There have been many other references to this in history, literature, films, and sometimes not so subtle. We obviously are not subtle in our art or speech or writing for that matter either. We see it this way: Subtly hasn’t worked throughout the decades. We decided to be as blunt as possible. Perhaps others can’t get away with doing that, maybe they’re afraid. They probably have good reason so be, so do we. We just decided screw it. We’d rather be brave and forthright.

Let us begin with how we perceive the fishing boat or shrimping boat. We use and may have very well coined the phrase "shrimping boat" but maybe not. That's not what really matters. What matters is that humanity realizing what it may mean for survival.

The Wilma Story

To help you understand the shrimping boat theory let me share a story with you. My mother was an avid boater and loved the ocean as do I. She lived her dream by choosing to navigate the eastern coast waters and start on a ten year adventure living on a boat. During her ten years living on the waves, she had to face several challenges. One of them was a slew of hurricanes. The choices every time one threatened their dock was to: dock, set sail away from the storm, or set sail and ride through the storm. Shes done all of them, each with its hurdles and dangers.

One of the last ones she faced we believe it was named Wilma. She didnt dock, she didnt sail away from the storm, she faced it and rode it out. Very much like how Gump did it in the film. We never read the book so we don’t know if it deters from it. She survived the storm by facing it and going through it. It’s also an allegory for survival of the fittest.

Upon contemplation, I personally realized that this may have been the best choice. There wasnt enough time to get away and docking would have smashed the hull into the pier. Then it dawned on me, what all these hint drops and references meant. Sometimes its best to ride out the storm and brave the torrential winds as I stated.

Survival of the Fittest & Why Should We Care

This small aspect of the bigger picture is important to understand. Why? Because we need humanity to survive. You need to survive. I need to survive. If we don’t understand what is happening or may be happening to us all, survival is slim. You must first acknowledge and know what is occurring before you can start to solve issues and gain true safety and freedom.

The term “Survival of the Fittest” has been in existence for centuries. Often it is used in business or the jungle. Sometimes business is a jungle in its own ways. There’s more to it than that. There is a survival above the levels of business. There is the upper echelon of people which I’ll explain what I mean by that in a moment. Keep in mind: This upper echelon has existed a very long time. The control is passed down to other men as no man is immortal and must depart this earth.

Getting back to why we should care. We should care because they’re ruining our world. 

Noelle Rose Andressen professional modern & contemporary ballet dancer Rubans Rouges
They are great conjurers, Grand Illusionists, evil magicians, manipulators that have been destroying everything in their wake. It has ramped up in recent years as their clock of forcing an Armageddon or fake and forced anti-Christ reign. They may have thought they could frighten Christians away by forging a fake rendition of this. (fyi: Too much hasn’t been fulfilled in the Bible yet. We’re getting near but nowhere near enough for this to happen yet. So brethren, don’t be getting your suitcases packed up to run to the wilderness yet. And President Trump does not have the genetic background to be Anti-Christ so back off on this one. We’re more than fatigued by this notion. Not only is it a lie, it’s blatantly wrong and not Scriptural.)

We must care because we must survive. We must finally take back our world, specifically our beautiful country and place it in the hands of good men and women to help us lead our lands. If you do not care, you are helping the world be destroyed and usher in all that 1984, Animal Farm, Brave New World and all the others spoke about.

Who’s Causing the Storms?

If youve been following our social media, videos, writings, youll know what weve been facing. I’ve applied all of this to our current situation. The more you dig the deeper you go. We’re not afraid of dirt or getting dirty. We found a lot. You don’t find treasure unless you’re willing to dig and get a little messy.

We believe that theres a group of men who mock the 12 Biblical Apostles; they mock everything actually. There could be more or fewer men. No women, they couldn’t stand it. Good. That means women may be the more integral of the human race but I tend to think these evil men couldn’t fathom or handle having what they may consider the lesser of our species. They’re wrong if they think that, but it’s starting to look that way. I love both, and have been fortunate enough to know many great men who didn’t treat women badly. I wondered: who would really want to be in this “exclusive group”? Not I. Perhaps those that believe they need to survive and the only way to do so is to get to the top where they pull the strings. Beloveds & Beautifuls, there is no way getting to the top will save you. All evil has their day of judgement and theirs is swiftly coming. Do not fall for the lies. Evil will self consume. Good builds up and grows prosperously without harming anyone.

Here’s what else we think they are: They have most of the money, power, and influence to massively control the world. If were wrong, so what. Itll make a great film that well do someday. If were right, we have a huge problem. We meaning: you too. They hate God, they hate Godliness because it stands in their way of utter dominion over humankind. This is the one thing that keeps us afloat whether you believe in God or not. It is the common sense, the will to protect what is right and punish that which is wrong. This is what has kept these evil men at bay for as long as they’ve been at bay.

Do I know these people? I better not. I would turn them in immediately. Perhaps I have indeed done that unknowingly. I do know of their causes and effects however. I have seen their evil deeds, hands and their trademarks left behind to taunt their victims. I probably know some of their third party slaves, sell outs and desperates. They probably were sent to befriend me and keep an eye on me. Some may have tried to poison us. It’s never in your face obvious. These people are sly and crafty but have become so sloppy that their mark is left sometimes on our door steps. After a while, doing math to chart chance and probably betrays them and calls them out. Yes, science, real mathematical science, chemistry, biology, you know the real stuff taught in real schools of long ago. That too has been disheveled and infiltrated by them too.

They infiltrate businesses to draw them sometimes by force into the collective. They use a technique we thought only science fiction boasted about. They tout: “resistance is futile” hoping we’ll bite and believe. Resistance is not futile. Take a lesson from Stark Trek’s Captain Picard. Yes it’s fantasy, but it premise is truth. The solution was brilliant and works.

Entertainment. This too they control. It has nothing to do with talent. It has to do with who will do their bidding and stay quiet. The more they have on you, the more they can do through you. Keeping people in checks and balances is essential for their survival. We believe they used the accidents as a means to get into our medical history, privacy history, criminal (which with me there is none at all), etc. I still think they were trying to force MRIs because they want to see how this white crap in the skies is effecting our brains. We’ll see how close to the mark we are soon enough.

Noelle Rose Andressen professional modern & contemporary ballet dancer Rubans Rouges

They decide who sings, writes, dances, acts, performs, etc. This was told to me. I obviously don't listen. If that’s the case then nothing any of us do matters, they will categorize us somehow some way even if we work as a secretary or a driver or anything in between. “Who’s she with?” That means: Who was I vetted by. They wanted to know if I was one of them. I turned down much to defy “them”. I despise “them”. Soon I have a feeling I will know “them” by name. I’ve much to say to “them”.

They wield science and discovery as a sadistic and masochistic toy to make real mermaids; super heroes; and villains. Take that as you will. I can’t say what I mean by it quite yet, but will in the near future. To get some of what I mean: Read up on the sick experiments that were done to the Jews in World War 2. They desire creating a false utopian society where the future remedies the past by erasing it. (sort of there now) 

They’re attempting to usher in life on Mars, aliens (which we believe will just be physically altered humans via their sick science and augmentations cast by a casting company perhaps? And used to psyche out people into believing a great lie: that there’s life on other plants for this detracts from God and creation. It makes humans less significant.), super humans, Genocide, no one over 50 except those they deem “ok” to live, no hair on heads for it’s beneath them and if they manage to rid the world of certain age groups no one will be alive to tell the truth. They’ve conjured up great lies and mysterious publicity stunts.

They conjured illness and ailments to deform and weaken humanity. People who don’t play around with toxic chemicals should not be getting sick. There are toxins that create rheumatoid arthritis, viruses or effects thereof, that make your hair fall out (cancer treatments for one, but what if you’re not undergoing this and still this happens. It’s not genetics. We found out what it is.), benzene causes skin to be damaged and wrinkling so does formaldehyde. In a chemical attack, it’s not too hard to figure out what could be disbursed in the air to harm humanity on a great scale.

Since they own the media, the media will publicize it all and the way they want it to be. Celebrities are used to promote this. (and we know not all of them agree but as we've seen with my own waivers, they make you sign on the dotted line or you don't get repped. This dotted line allows them to use your likeness and for whatever they want. If you speak up you don't get to read for a part.) We then swallow it hole and bow down to the news god as if it were a holy relic greater than anyone or anything. It grew like a silent cancer. 

Humanity did nothing to stop it brave men were silenced and weak ones were too fearful, and now we’re having to stand up and deal with it. Thanks so much humanity for being more afraid than a dancer-writer-producer-singer-whatever I am. No excuse. We’re all suffering because those that came before us all did absolutely nothing to stop it. Sorry, but sometimes I need to lay this where it should be-at the foot of those that came before us all.

“They” use most things or anything as a front to funnel their funds or hide their existence. Some people may not realize their business or ticket sales are being used to cover their actions. We found some very interesting things out about our shows. We don’t like anyone messing around with our money, ticket sales, promotions, etc. We get very angry and do what needs to be done to rectify such things. These men are a lot of things. None of them good.

They use terms to deflect from their narrative. They used this photo that we didn't upload yet but they have access to our camera and computer. They used a derivative to use for the riots recently. We called them out too. They use two sides to also deflect from

Noelle Rose Andressen professional modern & contemporary ballet dancer Rubans Rouges

their narrative as it protects them. They hire people to be put in your life as real life actors. We call them “bad actors”. We were auditioned to be “real life shoppers” once upon a time. What a joke. Seat fillers are a tame version of all of this. That doesn’t hurt anyone. But if you use this means to spy on people or try to insight an incident by egging people on, then this is a huge problem. We’ve had people do this to us and try to get us to fight in a store with people. It didn’t work. We did report it to the authorities and government though.

These men control every element of our world and are gaining in knowledge and influence. Money is just an item they use to make these things happen and this too you must survive.

What are These Things to Survive & Personal Accounts

What are “these things” you need to survive? They are all conjured by “the corporation”. This includes ushering old age, the wrinkled skin, hair falling out, bags under the eyes, sagging skin, we all bought it because why would doctors lie? We think some are from “the corporation” and are being used to feed us the narrative of normalcy. We could age a person with the knowledge we have. It’s all chemistry. We would never do this, we don’t have the money either, but we know how it’s done. They publish stories, photos, movies, use celebrities to push their current narrative, they provide pseudo-science to supposedly back their claims yet say they have a provision in the form of plastic surgery or beauty care or some other notion when in fact the solution is to stop these evil men and the problem would clear up. 

People would live longer, look better longer, live happier, if these men would be stopped once and for all. It’s common sense. Notice in the last few months everyone is packing on the weight. It’s not covid. It’s toxic chemicals. People who didn’t exercise before haven’t changed their habits and are gaining weight suddenly? Athletes includes us who kept their daily regimen having problems too? All ages not just elderly. They can’t blame covid the biological disease because not everyone has it, but I would place a bet that everyone now has a combination of toxins that cause these symptoms. 

Remember, these evil men love to use science for disgusting experiments. What makes anyone think that the 12 that were punished via the Nuremberg trials were all that there was? We think they were scapegoat fronts that covered up for the real “upper echelon”. Their hallmark, trademark, slogan marks, M.O.s of how the operate still exist with us in current times. They use marketing and media the same way. They knew they couldn’t do concentration camps again so they used our air, our homes, our offices, our hotels to expose us ever so slowly to toxins. The sky writing was disbursing toxins all along. However, they  never really wrote words in the sky, they were writing our obituaries with white lines.

They control the styles of the times. They want skinny, they force it to happen with media, marketing celebrities and we bite and chew it. They want heavier people, they spray and dispense toxins to make everyone gain weight overnight and try to blame a bio-virus. They want destruction and chaos they hire agitators and bad actors to do their bidding. Wake up before it’s too late. Anyone close enough to the truth who doesn’t speak up are dealt with. Singer? If you’re under their reign they’ll destroy your voice. They have ways to sneak in toxins to this. We’ve experienced it. Dancer? They’ll destroy your feet with toxins, arrange car accidents, or anything to harm you. Got a good reputation? 

They’ll destroy it with the very thing you’re good at. They don't even want a good person's legacy to supersede them in their deaths. They make the strong look weak or abused and they succumbed to it; Love children, watch out, they’ll lie and say you do the unthinkable to them. We almost thought they were trying to do this with me so we fought back hard and will obliterate them if they try towards me or any of our people. They tried to use media to paint me as tragic or Ophelia like. “She committed suicide because her bubble burst. She succumbed to the memory of being sexually abuse….blah blah blah.” Fat chance. If I die-someone killed me. No matter how they try to make it look like something else. These newer upper echelon people are dumb, lazy, sloppy, and fearful.

How many celebrities have you seen just die. Some were murdered as the news says. Some were "accidentally" whatever'ed.

We saw through all of this and decided being verbal and outspoken was best. I gave them a verbal punch in the nose with the Ophelia one. Every time they try, we go after them. Maybe I am the gal for the job of speaking up. Not too famous to where I have tons to lose, a clean record-there’s nothing on me and if there were I’d just speak up very loudly about how wrong I was and how God changed my heart and use it as a benefit not detriment, yet I’m vocal enough to kick their tails, fearless just enough to not be cowardly, bold enough to desire to see this to its end where I win and so will you. We need to stop this false virus though because they may be trying to use the chemicals toxins to wipe me out and covid as the cover for it. Being blunt, since I do that best. Yes, DanceWarrior - I don’t take bull$hit.

Some of the other things we need to survive: Toxic chemical attacks; unruly storms & the bad weather that accompanies it; poor leadership in our government; euthanasia; wolves in sheep clothing in all areas of our society attempting to lead us astray; brainwashing; accepting right is wrong and wrong is right; unethical and immoral lifestyles; loss of freedoms; and you can add what you will for there’s much to fight for. They just use the politicians as a scapegoat so you don’t look further if your 2nd Amendment gets wiped out or changed. Pretty tricky aye? That’s why we need to be the shrimping boat and survive the storms.

Speaking of Surviving the Storms

Noelle Rose Andressen professional modern & contemporary ballet dancer Rubans Rouges

My father often believed that somehow people could control the weather. We researched cloud seeding and the variations of it. Its a real thing thats done in our world. Its not too far removed that if this can be done, so could other things like create hurricanes or tornadoes. It concerns us that after all this time no one knows more about these storms. We have reason to believe that a scene in Twister isn’t too far removed from the truth: “You’ve never seen it miss this house, miss that house and go after you.” One of our relatives can attest to this. There house was obliterated by a tornado. More on this later as we found a connection. There’s a lot to look at such as: in the videos you can see the action occur from the ground upwards. There may be more to tornadoes being deeply related to the ground more than the air. (More on this also later. They tried to silence my dad too because he started speaking up. Only I'm stronger and more stubborn than he is. Similar car accident-not his fault - stopped then slammed into. The guy who hit him mysteriously dies and my dad was awarded pennies for his permanently damaged body and ruined ability for an income building and creating homes and buildings. The last ten years of your income before you retire matters for collecting. They destroyed him and his ability to collect his full amount of social security and he fought for this country as a soldier. Oh you just wait bad guys-I didn't forget and neither did he.)

It may not be a perfected art, but were starting to think its very close to perfection. Some storms may not have all the right chemicals, or natural wind patterns to really be a major threat. At least we don’t think so, not yet any way, but may be on its way.

In good hands this technology could have benefits such as: droughts would be eased gentle rains, and floods would not occur. In the wrong hands this science turns into a horror story. I personally have ridden out a few hurricanes. If you’re smart, careful, and listen to what the supposed experts say, it’s not that bad. The flooding is an issue. It can sometimes be what causes the most danger and damage. Low winded storms can bring heavy rainfall and this is the biggest problems. We had a canoe. No joke. My father was ready for anything and still is. He saw the flood waters raise up in Lyndhurst and cause great damage. He lives up on a hill, much higher ground and would be safe.

We obviously dont approve of anyone causing storms, if this is the case. People die, property is damaged, and lives are ruined. We would personally see to it that those who may be doing this face stiff penalties for it. Aside from that, if were right, then perhaps our artists small and great in every area of the arts have been trying to warn us all of the impending doom.

Be the Shrimping Boat

The key to survival? Know what you’re really fighting against. It’s not what you may think. Be the Shrimping Boat. You need to decide if you set sail or dock. We cant ascertain whats best for you. Beutifuls & Beloveds, you must be cautious. These pranksters are serious. They will destroy those who attempt to stop them. We know. We are living it. But that doesnt stop us from standing up for good and sharing it with you all.

We are not afraid of them. They know it. Weve faced death already and won. This frightens them. They are beginning to understand that God is with us and that His hand of protection is on us. Good for us. We profess to be imperfect but if God wants any one of us to do something, it will be successful. This frightens them most. If Im an Alice, then they have a lot to worry about. Good.

Noelle Rose Andressen professional modern & contemporary ballet dancer Rubans Rouges

Well be releasing many portions of our story in many ways these next few weeks. We feel compelled by the Holy Spirit. Be forewarned these people  the fake fake Apostles; the corporation”, organized crime, the upper circle” call it what you will, they have tried to destroy the church and God. They fear God. If they could only destroy goodness and God, then maybe they could be successful. They will not succeed. We will not, I will not let them.

Look for the shrimping boat hint drops in our media, film and literature. See if you see what we do.

We love all of you and are saddened that were not dancing together at the moment. We will be. We dance every day in some form or another. We encourage you to do the same. Please get your pointe shoes ready because were going to including me, make the biggest come-back ever. For me itll be a Take Back. Once again I am taking back everything the enemy has stolen from me. I did it with my health, Ill do it again with my intellectual property, privacy, my life, my familys legacy and more. Much love. Be the Shrimping Boat. The enemy loves me while they hate me. They know I'm right and in a strange way admire me for being able to figure it out.

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