
Tuesday, September 8, 2020



by Noelle Rose Andressen-Kale

My background is vast as I've worked professionally in many areas in addition to dance, performance art, performer and choreographer. I worked at Sunset Magazine in marketing, studied the profession as well as having been mentored in the presentation of ethically good products and companies. I am responsible for most of Rubans Rouges(R); Rubans Rouges Dance(R); RedRibbons(R); Noelle's Pillows(R); ENCOPA Productions(R) and many other of our company's branding, marketing, advertising, and media campaigns. I have been very successful as long as I am not being thwarted by "the corporation". I speak publicly about this entity because I believe it has kept me and my close family and friends alive. I will not stop until justice is served to this group. I just wanted to dance, they decided to bother me so I'm bothering them back until they leave me and mine alone. For now enjoy my article.

While I love our society, the generations, and its people, we also have a horrible society myth in which age and aging is made to be a negative occurrence in life and it's supported by false marketing and advertising. Where aches and pains, lack of agility and vitality, appearance and sharpness of mind is supposedly diminished and are a rite of passage into aging. I do not believe in this at all. I also believe it is forced upon us and that we were meant to age well.

I'm going to address many erroneous statements and break down the lies and pressures our country, corporations, and "the corporation" has placed upon people. I believe they are purposefully aging our society with gas lighting, slick (sick) marketing scams, media & entertainment and more manipulative tactics and in some cases exposing the people to toxins that cause damage to our tissues that result in premature aging which keeps the perpetual cycle of consumption of products to supposedly keep us younger looking. Perhaps we need to not look at wrinkles as "getting old" but over contamination of benzene, arsenic, methanol and other serious toxins. Maybe the fountain of youth is getting these toxins banned in our world completely.

Intro & Questions

The four questions and areas addressed in this article:
1. What does science say about aging?

2. Are we just buying into the marketing of what we should look like, do and be at a certain age?

3. Can we change things about aging?

4. What can we do about the aging process? 

I of course will be adding my personal insights identified as italicized text as well to this topic ans cite sources properly. 

As a dancer, I have found that too many companies, corporations, artists place the youth as the only commodity in which who is allowed to or can perform. This can be a true statement but I disregard it completely. We, my company and I cast based on appearance and ability. I find when I am cast I cannot play even close to my real age, I've been fired because I looked too young and my spirit conveyed the character too youthful. I also find my body improving, growing in flexibility-stamina-strength as I age not the reverse. I wondered why so many believe this and recite the mantras "It gets harder as you get older" as if it were truth. I heal faster as I age. I gain speed, strength and agility as long as those dispensing toxins aren't injecting their poison into my life but even still we're finding ways around all of it.

Stop being Brainwashed by the aging lie! It's not true at all! 


Let's look at the scientific evidence first.

Our bodies were created to live 140 years according to science (1) (2) (3). Variations on this subject and also different verified processes in which science substantiates this can be found almost contradictory. It could be that we just do not have all the facts yet in which to pass judgement. 

Wiki (4) has a list of verified men & women who lived past 100 years of age. It was interesting to note that they seem to live in environments that help support longevity such as: clean air and water (I'll be addressing my opinions on the water and air issue as well); low stress;   Women averaged 114-115 while men averaged 111-112. The United States and Japan were top percentages of oldest living persons. 

The Bible states 120. That means most of us are not living to our full capacity. I'll address my opinions on why I think that is. It may surprise you. 

Science also cannot figure out why the body "dies" or grows old. They have theories, but as of yet nothing concrete. There is also research on stem cells and using them to regenerate aging cells in the human body. I tend to not appreciate the stem research in some areas because in some cases the cells are taken from from aborted babies. This is a gross neglect for human life and I do not support it at all. Notice how the last few years the word "stem" has been injected in our common vocabulary and used for names of various things when it wasn't before. This too is marketing and a way to normalize it so we overlook the truth of what and where it comes from. 

It is scientific that as the body ages, we catch fewer diseases as in colds and flus because we've had them in our youth. Our bodies shouldn't deteriorate at all considering every cell in our bodies replenishes every 7 years - fact. Then why does it seem to slow down? Toxins slow it down. Doctors tend to throw out the phrasing: It's just age. Really?! Ask the the rates of mitosis when your cells are met with an influx of benzene 100 ppm. They won't have an answer. They have no clue about science, chemistry, or a great deal of biology, at least not the doctors we've ever encountered. Some of our doctors even changed our documents and reports they wrote in regard to our car accidents. We find this very interesting. We also knew more than the doctors.

The other issue found in some cases was that it was toxins that aged a person's body. One woman, Joyce said it was like overnight. She literally woke up one morning with 5 extra pounds around her mid-section, creases in her skin, puffy under her eyes, and slight sagging under her arms. She said she also had a higher elevated blood serum with benzene and other toxins detected in her blood panel. This could be industrial related, environmental, or a form of consuming toxins. Not to make light of things but it would be terrible if aging was forced upon us and we were targeted by entities to support the aging lore.

Ms. Butler verified her father lived to be 92 with smoking in his lifestyle. This is very interesting to find out being that most often benzene and other pollutants are found in such products based on the US Government's findings.(8) (9) Benzene is bio-accumulative. That means if you do not know how to chelate it from your body, it will continue to accumulate causing crepe like skin; sagging skin; dehydration; interference with iron production and more. The US Government allows several parts per million in our products and doesn't consider it a problem in such minuscule amounts. Again, if you don't know how to get it out of your body these small amounts add up and then problems settle in. We must ask our government: Why allow this at all? Who paid who off to let this stand? Surely no sensible human being would allow this, or would they for other reasons? Ask - Make Changes. We are.

After my personal experience I think that toxins were disbursed nearby that this person was around or ingested and caused them into forced menopause. This is another aspect of science I question as all the women in my family had to get medications to stop their period. They continued to menstruate into their 60s and 50s respectively periodically. Both my grandmother and mother received hormone replacement therapies and hormone adjustment therapies to stop their menstrual cycles, otherwise they would have continued their ability to have children well into their later years if they had lived. (more on that later as well.)


The world is full of slick youthful ads, promises of a magic cure for aging and the fountain of youth. Are these entities sending out mixed messages? Are they planned and forced upon us? Have we been lied to about a great many things in this world including aging? The marketing has been put in place and we soaked it up. We see people age and we now believe those over a certain age are old, feeble and worthless. Interesting that covid attacked and killed so many in nursing homes. Hopefully it's not a Logan's Run attempt defining renewal and death at 30 or a means of genocide to liquidate the elderly. They are the staple of our society. They should be revered not executed or euthanized. Remember you will be that age someday. Are you ready to help set up a world and it's narrative to "do you in" once you reach the age that "they" decide you're done? I didn't think so.

Let's look at this more in depth.

Aging skin, no worries, there's a serum for that. Bags under the eyes, apply this cream. Everything in this world has become a business and monetized. There's an old saying with my paraphrasing: Create a need and you have created yourself a business. Support it with targeted marketing and you've got yourself a winner or a false front for unmentionables that goes on behind the scenes. Creating a need-That's fine to do as long as the need doesn't hurt anyone. Stressing: As Long As It Does Not Hurt Anyone. Sugar chewing gum was developed by dentists. Go and figure that one out. With this discovery we must ask: Has aging been created as a need to propel marketing, money, and lies? Used as a front to explain why lots of money is traveling in from some place to end up elsewhere? We're all beginning to believe that the truth has been blocked from us and altered for the latter, but for now let's keep it bit simpler.

What if we didn't age as we were told by marketing? What if we do and can live to be well into our hundreds without signs of aging? This obviously can be done and be done well without physical ailments.

Personally, my family lived to be quite old and youthful. Good genes, good health habits, good life stress relief techniques. If I show aging signs I will suspect tampering, as in: Toxic white skies dispensing harmful toxic chemicals, neighbors dispensing toxins that cause health ailments, aging, and other unwanted things. Since 2107 my family (a young son as well) have been experiencing unwanted signs of aging and harm to our bodies. The second we removed ourselves from the location, all aging signs dissipated. My family even upon their deaths looked beautiful and youthful. My son shouldn't be showing any aging signs since he's young, so then why are we showing similar things--we've being poisoned with toxins. More on that later.

Then let's take it further, why have we bought the lie of aging if indeed it is a lie via marketing? If you look at the horror of Nazi Germany, it Was all marketing, casting people in roles, and forcing the lie that the Jews were subhuman. We all know it's wrong, it was wrong then and wrong now. We were told to remember and I have personally. My ancestry tells many tales of what happened to its people. Not only am I against what was done, I believe it was the tip of the iceberg. We have yet to excavate the true source. Hitler was a pawn and prop up, there are others that were behind it all. They scapegoated those in Nuremberg tribunals. They definitely committed those crimes but there was more behind the scenes. SO much more.

During WW2 the Nazi party did demented experiments on Jews (6) (7). There is a plethora of examples of this hideous act and crime against humanity. It ranges from sterilization, youth preservation, surgery experimentation and more.

The people truly responsible for all of these human woes are on the case for creating the perfect human race using genocide, control, media, wars and marketing to bring it to fruition. It's pattern apparent throughout time. Stop believing the lies and research as we have. We have more to share but this is just for starters. It's really not about marketing, beauty, health. It's about controlling the human population in grotesque ways. I will be sharing my personal story very soon. In it I discuss how I believe my own home was used as a laboratory against my will for toxin chemicals dispensed by others into our home to see the effects on human tissues. My tissues, my son's tissues. It effected our belongings, our plants and our person. Also, I have photos of my great, greats and they looked healthy and happy and youthful. It wasn't until after 1940s that aging and deterioration is seen in photographic documentation. Why is this occurring? 

Take it a step further, what if these people then who were behind all of the gruesomeness of Nazi Germany were not all brought to justice and only their fronts or scapegoats were? Then they would know they couldn't do it all the same way again. What if our very world's air, food, products, water were used by the enemy to harm us in many ways including the myth of aging and what we are now led to believe is true? 

It's all marketing and always has been. IF the marketing is in place to lie or support the fallacy that we must age and it looks like this: Once you reach 65 you are supposed to retire to a retirement community; you can't wear mini skirts or anything hemmed above the knee; you should expect your body to fall apart and have pains, aches, sagging & aging skin, you cannot be what you once were and must move over for the younger generation. BS! IF we have bought the marketing lie, supported by toxins purposefully aging us to fit "the corporation's" narrative to help commit genocide, then we are to blame as well. Wake up!

We are to respect our elders, allow them to be and do what they want not force them aside into old folks homes, knitting on the porch awaiting grand kids and to gain tons of weight. Too many in the younger generations are rude, manipulative, all look the same with similar speech even if they're supposedly from back East (We love the New Yorker accents! Stop diluting it with SoCal pre-programmed & trained stuff. Yeah I know how to do it, they tried to brainwash me too with the supposed non detectable accent speech.)

It would be a huge mess and we its people lied to about a great many things including aging.

Changes - Food for Thought

My next question: Can we change things about aging? What can we do about aging? Who really decides when we die? Our bodies? Genetics? God? Or demon like men who formed an upper circle whose quest is to control and destroy humanity? Maybe I do know the answers. Maybe I will share them in full soon enough. For now I'll state this: Research.

You can control a lot of the aging process.

1. Sleep 8 hours daily
2. Drink plenty of well water or pure water without propyl alcohol or dehydrating agents used as astringents to sterilize the containers.
3. Eat extremely well. Shop on the outer edges of your supermarket. Buy from farmers getting a certification document on their use of pesticides, certifications of organic verification.
4. Detox your produce & food best you can.
5. Exercise. Get moving people. Dance, run, play, walk, jump, skip, sports, swim, anything. 
6. Don't participate in aging activities such as: alcohol consumption beyond normal amounts; drugs; etc.
7. Ventilation: Check your air-ducts. Make sure they're fully connected to the vents. Check the air filters. Make sure they're not coated with methanol or any other toxic chemical. The air current will brush this off the filter and carry it into your living air. Keep cleaning chemicals to a minimum and use gloves to protect your skin from absorbing it. Use a chlorine filter without a nickel membrane on the filter to avoid heavy metal consumption.
8. Check Outside air quality: We believe that there are copious amounts of chemical toxins disbursed into our air daily. DO Not rely on the media to tell the truth. Use your own eyes, look outside, get test strips that measure ppb. Check your urine once a week. If you feel badly when going outside, chances are the air quality is bad. Don't open windows on these days. Run your a/c or fan system.
9. Clean your Liver!
10. Clean your Kidneys!
11. Protect your eyes as much as possible. Vitamin A. Eyes masks at night (just like in the 1950s. Interesting isn't it?)
12. Ask questions. Don't just take it from the media. I know a lot of these people and some of them don't have their priorities right, some do. 
13. Study decision making and advocacy - yes for aging and any subject matter. Learn to tear apart everything you read. Why? Because using these techniques will help you spot bs and really begin to know the truth about our world and you will be able to live a long, beautiful life without these mongrels interfering with your life negatively. 

Just keep in mind that: All facts were once theories before they became facts. And conspiracy is just a term meaning to conspire: To secretly plot against a person or group of people. 

If anyone told you: "Someone is imprisoning the Jews, doing experiments on them, murdering them, committing Genocide and we're next." Before WW2 you would not believe it. There is evidence that the world did not believe it for a time. So ask yourself: Am I being lulled into a false sense of security? If yes, you may need to wake up in the true sense of the words. Not "I'm an independent thinker, I make my own choices, I'm not co-dependent, so I'm now woke." That too is a bs lie and false narrative to keep you off the path of truth-factual truth. Be really awake. Research. Don't lean too far left or right, the truth usually in somewhere in between. The right and left are both controlled so we don't look in the middle for the factual truth.

What Can I Do About the Aging Process?

Not only do what's suggested in the above paragraphs, but also research older government documents (they need to be made available to you upon written request. Some are on line. Do not allow anyone to tell you differently.) The FDA, EPA, CDC, etc must allow you to view all these documents as a US citizen. If any of them deny you, file a law suit. Didn't know about this? That's a sign that you don't do your homework, and you are not aware. Easy remedy: Read, become proactive, make changes in your personal lifestyle and hold these damn entities accountable and the people that guide them.

As I delve into this subject matter and share with you, also feel free to comment and share your stories. This is iron sharpening iron. We don't have to become enemies if we differ in opinions. However, much of what I state and write about are based in facts and I provided as many sources as possible when doing so. I also know I'm not perfect and make mistakes, fall down, but get back up again. It's part of being human and some days I excel at it and others I don't and fall short of perfection by millions of miles. I'd appreciate any help in refining my arguments and research.

Additionally, why do you or would want to buy into the lie that you will age and age badly? You want to look good your entire life? Why do you want to believe that old age means the dehydrated look of wrinkled & sagging skin? Why not find out what's happening? I did it. We all did it on this end and we found out more than we expected, but that's where true humanity can become free of tyranny and enslavement to public and corporate opinions and mandates. This is your world more "the corporation" wants you to believe. We out number these sob's. They just don't want you to become aware of it because that's when the real revolution (non violent hopefully) begins. It begins with you. Tell "the corporation" to sit down and shut up with their evil plans to destroy and control humanity.

If you don't buy it and loathe what they're dishing out to you and your family - Then stand up, speak up and don't give up by writing into corporations that allow toxins into our food, water, products, etc. CC those in the government. Warning, they will not be happy about any of this. We know because it's what we're doing and are being troubled to no end, but we care about you, the environment (for real not like some of the propped up and controlled narrative pro environment groups out there-they don't do what we're doing because they're controlled too to make you think someone is doing something good for our world so you don't bother to try as in: "Oh someone else is doing it. They'll protect me" They won't protect you, they don't even know about you. You must speak up loudly and continuously. We're going on 2 years now.) and our future generations.

Be well beautifuls & beloveds. Ask questions. Research and don't accept anything until you are sure you've exhausted all means. Research also may take a lifetime or more. Do not just decide to go through human flesh for your answers. Be ethical and risk no one not even yourself, you're too important and valuable. XOXO
Noelle Rose the DanceWarrior

(More about all of this on the way!)


Seems like a wiki user with surprise the name Frozen in it and used portions of my private conversation to use in their edit? Nice. My team just took screenshots of this term: conspiracy/conspire. Oh brother.

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