
Monday, June 6, 2016

Your Star is Waiting for You

"Your Star is Waiting for You"
Encouragement for Your Day
written by Noelle Andressen | copyright May 25, 2015

Often in life we find ourselves traveling down a path that seems to lead to nowhere. Our stars seem so unreachable. We keep plugging away and not much seems to be happening...or so it seems.

How do I catch my star?

Remember to do this: P.I.P.
1. Patience
2. Integrity
3. Persevere

Recall the old adage about the seed. We cannot see the growth because everything is happening below the surface where we do not venture. We cannot see beneath the soil unless we get down there and dig it up, which I don't advise doing because we will undermine all we have worked towards. Leave it alone, let it grow. The fruit of your labor will be revealed to you and grow if you're patient enough to wait for it. PATIENCE is a huge key to success.

And by all means do not step on people on your way up to the heavens. Do not pull others down so you can have their success. Do not manipulate or encourage others to push others down so you can climb. INTEGRITY in business, art, relationships, etc. does matter. Plus, you will be found out and then all that you worked for (because I'm assuming not all things one does is gain from pushing others down, there probably is some honest work mixed in), all that you worked for with integrity will be polluted as well.

Do not do "whatever" to reach your star. Leap high but do not leap on top of others. Others are flesh too and have hearts, plus karma has a way of biting hard. Do not sacrifice people, relationships, or anything that matters. They are not or should not be about utility or usage.

Helpful Hint: I always use this as a litmus test (a testing standard that uses one indicator to help prompt someone to make a decision or series of decisions) before I'm about to do something: "Would I want what I'm about to do be done to me? Or my child?" If you answer NO, then you probably shouldn't proceed with what you're about to do.

A good farmer knows when to plant, when to water and nurture, and when the harvest will occur. We need to be good stewards of our own farms and know the timing of all things. In the midst of waiting it is tempting to give up. I say to you: Do NOT under any circumstances give up. Persevere. You could be so close to your goal--to your star.

I'm often asked how high does one need to leap to reach their star? Sweet babe, you must leap high as is needed. You owe it to yourself, the people around you, your loved ones, and the world, to keep going. We are depending on you to succeed so that we may take delight in what you have to offer the world as a gift. We all have them; gifts that is. Just think if Einstein kept all he had to himself, or if Picasso or Alvin Ailey decided, "Nah...that's not good enough" or "No one will like this." Fill in the blank with your own excuses as I'm sure you'll understand my point. If they gave up before they reached their star, we never would have known the spectacular-ness of their hearts, minds and souls. A tragedy!! Don't be a tragedy statistic. Be a success story. Keep going.

What If I Make A Mistake?
Remember to do this:  O.A.M.
1. Own It
2. Apologize
3. Move Forward

Mistakes do happen, short-sightedness happens, honest misunderstandings happen. This is why "Intent of the Heart" also matters. What were you intending? If you make an honest mistake, I've made them, do your best to amend things in all earnest sincerity. Let them know that you own your mistake--admit it. Also, giving something to someone to show you mean it does help a lot. It is a form of restitution. Apologize to them and ask for forgiveness. We are human beings and are receptive to honesty. Let them know what and where all things went wrong. Then by all means once you've been forgiven move forward.

There's a difference between moving on and moving forward. Moving forward continues and repairs the relationship. Moving on severs it. Since I'm positive and expect positive outcomes, I use move forward, although I know that not all I hope for is attained. In some cases moving on happens or in my case when I royally mess up: a video happens and I hope that others learn from my mistakes.

I hope this helps some muster their strength to reach for their star and tames the heart when needed. Most of all, I hope to see you sparkling brightly in the sky. Now go out there and catch your star. The world is waiting.

Let not your hearts be troubled.
Much Love, Noelle

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Noelle Andressen is an Emmy nominated writer, producer and music arranger. She has authored the 5 book series: "Dance Warrior" Book Series. The first book is set to be released very soon. She is also a dancer-choreographer that has had the privilege of being photographed by legendary dance photographer Lois Greenfield (photo release 2016). She's known for her many works on camera as an actress and behind the lens as a story-teller with her screenplays. She took this skill and applied it to her dance company: Rubans Rouges Dance and creates thought provoking "Dance Drama" that beckons you to "Feel the Experience" (TM/slogan mark).

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