
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

What Is Dance Warrior

Channel(s) & Media Platforms:
Rubans Rouges Dance, DanceWarrior, FB: Dance Warrior, Rubans Rouges Dance, Noelle Rose & Kale Andressen Media Arts Enterprises
Uploaded time:
May 21, 2018 at 9:41 AM
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What is Dance

Warning Dancer On Board!
Hi beautifuls and beloveds! How are you? My name is Noelle Rose Andressen and I am the Dance Warrior. I've been asked so many times especially lately, “Noelle what is Dance Warrior exactly?” Well let me tell you, Dance Warrior is essentially my nickname… and how did I get this nickname? Well for  many of you who don't know and a lot of you do already know, I have overcome so many things in life. Like all of us, we all have hurdles. Some of the things I've gone through: I survived breast cancer numerous times, I have also overcome the tragedy of having been abused as a child, sexual molestation, sexual abuse, I've had to endure hardships about a lot of common things that we have to go through as human beings in life.  

What I have done is I have taken my nickname, which people say that I've well… more than earned, I've taken my nickname Dance Warrior and I've turned it into many different  things. For one, I've turned them into books. I have a book series called Dance Warrior and as you can see I have two in the series right here. The first one is  “Dance Warrior: from Cancer to Dancer” and the second one right here is called “Dance Warrior: Red Ribbons Shattered Innocence”. And each of these books focuses on my true life stories and how I overcame various things.

The first one I think it speaks for itself. It tells you not necessarily, do I speak about my cancer treatment, I speak about how I put my body back together after cancer treatment. I went back to my beginning and I used dance and both of these books dance was the primary focus, I am a dancer and I "warred" and I championed over my hurdles: Dance Warrior. So these books depict my true life stories and how I overcame so many different things and I want you too to learn how to turn "tragedy into triumph" just like I did.

Another vessel that I have turned into a product that I can share with you, not only do I have my books, my dance pieces, which are in dance concerts that you can come see - see me as a Dance Warrior portraying different characters and overcoming true life things that I have gone through in my life and I show you how. I do it by living an example, by sharing my stories to encourage you. If you're going through a tough time you can get through it. I'm here. I'm living. I'm breathing and I am enjoying my life and I'm touching other people's hearts with my testimony. And I tell these stories not only via my books, I use dance.

I tell my stories in dance. Each one of these books before they were books they were  actual dance pieces. “Red Ribbons” - that was one of the first dances I created in my dance company. It's the heralding flagship of my dance company Rubans Rouges Dance . And then for the cancer book, I tell many different stories via dance dance drama is exactly what I do with my company. And in   my cancer pieces I show you how I went back to my beginning, how I took dance back into my life and I became a dancer again. I fought the odds - the odds are against me. When you have cancer, I don't want to say it's a death sentence, it doesn't necessarily have to be, I'm living proof. I have a grandmother and mother who unfortunately have passed on from the disease I know full well I know full well what's in my DNA but I overcame those odds that were stacked against me. I fought cancer and I won. Not only did I fight cancer and win but I also took back ground and I became a professional dancer all over again only this time I am a Dance Warrior and I'm sharing my message with you.

Our Dance Warrior performances are an amazing thing to see. If you read the book please come see the shows as well you will get so much more out of art and dance. By watching you can see the story that was told in words live. We combine all the arts; we combine music, dance, singing, we even combine artists as far as sculptors, people who do paintings, and we incorporate them into our set. We also bring you the audience into our performance sometimes we'll have you join us on stage; sometimes we will pose questions to you to think about and at  the end; we'll get feedback ; you have an opportunity to meet all the artists.

Dance Warrior is also a live journal that I do as a video broadcast and you can learn, and learn about yourself, and learn about dance, and I share with you my journey what I go through day in and day out. Being a dancer is tough work being a Dance Warrior is even tougher but I show you how you can be encouraged by my life story and I show you live while it's happening. And I let you know what I'm thinking, I let you know what I've gone through, if I'm going to a dance class sometimes I'll take you with me, and sometimes I just let you know of all the different things that I come against.  I also show you how I triumph over those many little tragedies.

When you have cancer, your body changes, even after having a child your body changes. This will help others who have had cancer - help rehabilitate themselves just on empowerment alone but I also give you dance tips too, stretching, different things like that. But my dance journal contains all of these different things and I've been doing this live feed for I want to say about three - four years now and so many people get so many benefits out of it. On top of all these different things I have done a community outreach called Dance Warrior (a.k.a. Choose DANCE trademark of RRD) it's a curriculum that I made/it is a Dance Warrior curriculum. So what we do is we go to different schools, museums, we go to different parks, different places where we take our program Dance Warrior and we spend an afternoon with the kids and we show them just how important they are . These kids they're amazing but sometimes they just need a little nudge to let them know how amazing they are. And when we go into these classroom environments or any other environment that invites us in we do the Dance Warrior curriculum and we show these young adults or young at-risk youth how to Choose Dance and so they too make the choice of being a Dance Warrior.

Now the Dance Warrior curriculum is very in-depth for example what we do is we get t-shirts and we have these wonderful kids - they write their names on the t-shirt and they write all these adjectives. They write the ones that are not so complimentary that they think about themselves on the back of their t-shirt  and on the front they write all these wonderful positive stuff because that's really who they are--they're all the positive things and what's written on their back those are just things they may have to work a little at overcoming and that is what the Dance Warrior program does for them.
So we took this to San Pedro City Ballet not too long ago this spring and we were so delighted. We had such a wonderful time bringing this program to them. All of them had such deep work to do within their hearts and they shared how they felt and then they took those words that they wrote upon their hearts essentially, even though it was a t-shirt, and they turned those words into dance. It's all their choreography. All I did was create the curriculum and the framework in which for them to work from. These wonderful beautiful budding artists shared their heart through movement very much like I do when I am the Dance Warrior and I share my heart via dance, my messages via my books as well.  

Dance Warrior the Studio. We also have a Dance Warrior Studio for the at-risk youth. We also have it for the adults as well. Dance Warrior is an amazing hands-on dance curriculum taught in the school like setting and environment in a studio. We have so much fun. Not only do we bring a verbal curriculum and book work so they can journal, but we also bring to them how to improve their dance through this curriculum.

Through this inner heart work we want to create very responsible adults. Yes they are still children but we are not raising children we were raising young wonderful human beings to be adults someday. And we want to bring this to more schools and we want to bring this to more youth because they are hurting and I believe that I have a part of the answer anyway and I want to do my part to help build the community.

The Dance Warrior Studio Curriculum for adults, that too is wonderful curriculum in dance. It goes back to the foundational work of tap, jazz, ballet, and modern. We focus on inner expression and we take it outwards. We use companion books as well to help journaling. This is an amazing program many adults get so much value out of this because not only do you learn how to improve your dance technique but you also take it in-wards. You take it in words so you can develop your skills at handling life and it teaches people how to handle stress. So we want to teach adults and children to Choose Dance - choose healthier things than alcohol and drugs or any other addictions. We want them to Choose Dance and choose wisely. Under the Dance Warrior curriculum we teach people how to be a Dance Warrior any age.

Dance Warrior Spirit. Now we have a wonderful line of beautiful and fun t-shirts that we have created it's called the Dance Warrior t-shirt line. This is a great opportunity for you to show and share your Dance Warrior spirit to show how you use dance to take tragedy and turn it into triumph.
One of the highest requested items was a calendar under the Dance Warrior brand and we were so happy to bring that to you. So many of you followers asked us: “Do you have a Dance Warrior calendar that can be inspirational something that I can look at every day?” Well yes we do have that and we were so glad to work with so many wonderful and beautiful photographers.

This photo right here, the 2018 calendar, was photographed by Miss Lois Greenfield. She is an amazing photographer dance photographer specifically. And every year we work with various different photographers to bring you not only beautiful dance photography and artistry but at the bottom of each page we have included a quote from one of my books. The theme this year was “Red Ribbons” so this year when we did “Red Ribbons” we included quotes from the book as well.  Lois gave us such a beautiful quote, “Dance Warrior her story is truly inspirational to anyone Noelle is a true Dance Warrior.”

Thank You Lois we love you too.

Dance Warrior Fundraising Teams. We don't only just help the youth and the elderly and I don't just dance and write books but my dance company, dancers, and staff, and board members, we also help other nonprofits raise funds for: cancer research for helping the abused, homeless, so many different functions and things.

I also speak publicly not only under Noelle Rose Andressen my name but I also speak publicly under Dance Warrior. I love helping people I love reaching out to them and I really want to do more in this world to help shape it for a positive thing. There are so many issues in our world and I really believe that the Dance Warrior brings people together and find commonality. I want people to celebrate. I don't want them to be separated over their ideas and ideals. I want to show people how they can be champions: Dance Warriors you too can be a Dance Warrior and I'm going to show you how you can “turn any tragedy into a triumph”.

Under the Dance Warrior brand we will continue to bring you my live journals and will also go retro and show older videos that you guys just really, really love. The most popular ones, we will bring back in a flashback series so you can enjoy them again. You can also join us on our Dance Warrior Channel, it is on YouTube just type in Dance Warrior (add Noelle Rose to the search). You can also join us on our Facebook page called dance warrior as well you can find more information online at dance - warrior dot-com. You can also join us on my blog and respond to any of my journal entries that I share with you in the form of writing and you can continue to contact us, find and follow up, you can find out all these wonderful performances, and our schedule, and our touring.

Thank you so much “I so dearly want to help you to find that inner Dance Warrior so you too can turn tragedy into triumph.”